Chapter 16 - Grocery store guy

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I just want to say something first before this chapter... THANK YOU ALL! There's over 1k reads on this book and I seriously can't thank you enough! You're all seriously amazing!

So don't stop voting and commenting! Hope you enjoy.

Love you all!

I open the front door and Noah closes it after him. I look to the living room to see my aunt sitting on a couch, looking intently to her phone.

(Hailey) "Aunt Steph?"

She jumps a little, startled by my sudden appearance.

(Steph) "You're here." - she smiles nervously.

(Hailey) "Everything okay?" - I step inside the living room.

(Steph) "Yeah." - she chuckles.

She seems off.

(Steph) "It's just this guy..." - she mumbles.

(Hailey) "What guy?"

(Steph) "I met this guy today at the grocery store. He was cute and we exchanged numbers."

I smirk.

(Hailey) "You're waiting for him to text you."

She frowns.

(Steph) "What? No! Why would I?" - she throws her phone to the couch beside her.

Her phone then suddenly dings, indicating she received a text message and I swear I haven't seen anyone move as fast as she does when she reaches for the phone.

(Hailey) "Is it the guy?" - I ask, once she starts reading the message.

(Steph) "No." - she says annoyed. - "It's a friend from college saying we should meet sometime."

I chuckle and sit beside her on the couch.

(Hailey) "Aunt Steph... I know you're not exactly young-"

(Steph) "She doesn't mean that." - she informs Noah.

He tries not to laugh.

(Hailey) "But you could still have some fun. You're single. Enjoy it."

She looks at me.

(Steph) "But I don't want to be single." - she says, sadness written on her face.

I frown.

I never realized how lonely she felt. My mother found my father at a really young age but my Aunt Steph always had bad luck when it came to guys so she just gave up on having a relationship.

(Hailey) "You know what? Tonight, I'll take you to a club."

(Steph) "Hailey, I'm too old for that." - she smiles a little.

(Hailey) "What're you talking about? Noah, does my Aunt look old to you?"

(Noah) "I'd do you if I wasn't committed to your niece." - he shrugs.

(Hailey) "See?" - then it dawns on me what he just said. - "Wait, what?!"

He chuckles.

(Noah) "Look, Hailey's Aunt Steph..."

I look at him weirdly and my aunt raises an eyebrow.

(Noah) "Sure, you could be forty something-"

(Steph) "I'm thirty nine."

(Noah) "-but that doesn't mean that you still can't find someone respectful for you. He may still be out there."

I look at my aunt.

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