[ ♡ ] 『 If Only You Knew ( II ) 』

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{ s e q u e l }

{ s u m m a r y }
In which Taehyung has finally decided
that he should be getting the answers he's
been waiting for.

          Taehyung remained in his room after reading Jungkook's text , wondering if he should have a look at Jungkook in his room.

He predicted that Jungkook would never pay him a visit in his room , especially after that particular conversation — so , Taehyung took the initiative and decided to look for the other instead.


The blonde leaves his room quietly , not wanting to wake Yoongi up — because he knows what's coming for him if he did. He walked towards Jungkook's room with a thumping heartbeat , not knowing what will be coming for them.

The silence in the atmostphere was making Taehyung much more anxious , he isn't ready for this and he knew that. But he had to , it was the best for both of them. If they're not gonna talk it out , then awkward would be their new best friend.

Moments later , he was standing right in front of Jungkook's room door ; to say that he was nervous and afraid was an understatement , there were tons of thoughts racing through his mind.

"What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"What if he was just lying?"

"What if i turn back now , and simply pretend that this conversation never existed?"

"What if-"

Just as Taehyung's panicking internally , Jungkook's door swing opened ; both males stood still , staring at each other and no one's speaking a word yet.


"Hey Tae. What are you doing outside my room?" Jungkook asks , mentally praising himself for not stuttering a single word.

"I-I- Nothing , I wanted to grab some chips and you opened the door." Taehyung says , giving his boxy smile , hoping Jungkook wouldn't question nor suspect any further.

"Hmm , really?"

"Of course! How dare you suspect your hyung!" He jokingly states , chuckling awkwardly.

Jungkook leans in towards Taehyung's ears , whispering , " The kitchen's the other way though , are you sure? "

Oh shit , great job Tae , you don't even know your way in the apartment.

"C'mon , is there a reason why you came to my room? Was it because of the texts?"

"You know what , yes. I wanna see you , hear your voice and probably cuddle you if you'd allow." Taehyung admitted , thanks to his sudden boast of confidence.

"W-What are you saying?" The younger blushes , not expecting to hear such things come from Taehyung.

"You've heard it , i'm not repeating." The blonde says , pulling Jungkook into a soft kiss by the collar.

"What the fuck?"

"What's that supposed to mean? , " Taehyung frowns , pretending to be offended by Jungkook's choice of words , " You betted on your lips earlier on , and you clearly lost! "

And that was when Jungkook remembers the text he sent :

TaeTae : i doubt any of the members' are like this tho . maybe he's secretly in love with you too ?

Kookie : no chance , i bet my lips for that .

"O-Oh right , I did s-state that." The brunette stammered , looking down due to the burning heat on his cheeks.

"C'mon , don't be shy. You weren't like that a couple of moments ago. It was just a kiss." Taehyung smirked internally when he notices the younger's shy reaction.

The blush on Jungkook's face deepens , especially after remembering the reason as to why he sent that in the first place ; he wasn't expecting a kiss , certainly not on the lips.

Realising that the younger wouldn't look up voluntarily , Taehyung sighed softly and says , "Jeon , I like you."

The words caught Jungkook off guard , causing him to shoot his head up , making eye contact with Taehyung — he didn't know what it is about the latter's eyes that he loves , but he was certain that he wouldn't mind staring into them for hours.

"I like you too , Taehyung." The younger male says , a genuine smile plastered on his face.

- End -

a / n : omg i've finally updated this .. ! i've been delaying all my updates and i'm
extremely sorry about it :(

anyways i kinda like this ending , hope
y'all liked it too 💙

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