Chapter 7

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Zoës POV

Nico Di Angelo, Bianca's younger brother, brought us to Tartarus before fleeing from horrid flashbacks.

Will Solace, the dreaded boy that had to come, sipped his water and I smacked his arm, "Save Thy Water!" I yell.

Diana and Thalia stood side by side leading us with Winnie next to me and Novia next to Will. Sal stood with Novia.

"What was it like battling in a real war? I have heard stories of Percy and You and the seven and that horrid Annabeth Chase but what was it like?" Winner asked me.

"Well, thee has fought many battles and wars but thou fighting with Perseus has changed thou personally." I told her.

"Why does that Nico guy not like me?" She asked upset.

"Thy is male Winnie. Thy also has bad history with thou father," I told her thinking of when I watched there argument.

We arrived at the pthylegoen river and drank fire, since that shedevil Annabeth said it would be a good idea. then we fought many monsters until we found a castle, it looked like Westover Hall to me. Made of pure black stone with cut holes in the stone for windows, monsters guarding all entrances.

"Apollo Children?" I asked.

Diana and Will walked up to me. "Take them out with arrows but do it in secret while thyself, Winnie, and Sal take out the hydra will the matches Sal brought. Armia, thou need to sneak in undercover, Percy will be glad to see thee again."

They nodded and Diana answered her obnoxious halfbrother took out the drecnae on the towers.

We smiled and sprinted ahead. Armia lit a match and nodded to me, I too know out riptide, ever since Percy gave it back it was a hair clip again. I swung at the first two heads while Winnie took charge with her knife at another. Armies through the match at the stump of the head and started scaling a wall to sneak in.

The hydra snapped at me and cut my arm, I cried in pain at the wound. Sal ran to my side, "keep fighting young maiden." I told her, I went to the wall for cover, trying to fix my arm. Blood was pouring from the wound nonstop and I almost fainted at the sight of this bruise. Pure red like the Ares cabin at camp halfblood. I shoved ambrosia in my mouth and tasted of the time the hunt forgot my birthday...mostly because I never told them and when I let it slip out, they had a huge feast.

I felt to sore to help anymore..just wanting to give in to sleep but I fought it. I decided if I can't do anything to help outside, I would help inside.

"Im coming Armia!" 

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