Chapter 20

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Percy's POV

I woke up on Olympus, the infirmary. It was a white room, all white. White walls and a white floor. In the corner of the room was a white door. It was blinding really. I tried to get up and groaned in pain. My back was burning and my leg wouldn't move, I looked down to find a silver cast upon my right leg, my broken leg.

I wore a white shirt and white loose pants like a karate uniform. DId they do surgery on me or something? I thought. The room was bare, just a white bed, nightstand, and couch along with a silver bookshelf and mirror. I looked in the mirror in disbelief. " eyes are silver." I stuttered to myself.

I closed my eyes for a while and drifted in a peaceful sleep. When I opened my eyes, Milady was next to me. "M-Mom?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. She smiled at me and called in Apollo. "How's my new favourite nephew doing?" He asked me. I grinned toward him, "What happened?" I asked him not recalling much. "Zoë brought you in with Tierra James and Ryan Polton, the kids of Poseidon. Zoë told the story of you being tortured by the titans and fighting them off to protect her, she seemed quiet grateful and concerned." Apollo told me. "When we examined you, you had a broken leg, and third degree burns on your back. Ambrosia healed most of the burns but we couldn't feed you more to help your leg unfortunately. " he finished.

"May I speak with my son in private?" Artemis asked. Apollo sent a blinding grin at her and left. She turned to me, "Percy I'm so sorry, you'll have the cast in for 5 weeks. I wish I could have helped more." She looked pleadingly for forgiveness and I laughed lightly, "You did enough accepting me as a son, mom." I said smiling. She looked grateful and said "Some people Are here's to see you, Including your new grandpa!" I wanted to protest seeing Zeus right now but she left smirking.

New Zoë walked in with a new scar on her cheek, like Luke's. "Percy! Thou is alright!" She ran to my bedside and grabbed my hand knowing a hug would hurt me. "Hey Zoë, you ok?" I asked her. She scoffed, " Is Thy ok? Is Thee ok?" She asked. I laughed and nodded, "other then this cast." She looked at me knowingly, "thou all got thy a little bit of a present." Zoë told me, we pulled something out of her pocket, a silver locket shaped like a full moon. I opened it and saw a picture of Zoës first day back. Thalia was on my back with her tounge out, Hadley and Zara were locking arms with Kaylee. Samantha, Atlanta, and Phoebe aimed their arrows at me, who was buckeling under Thalia's weight. Novia, Rachel, and Winnie were staring at us like we were crazy, and Zoë.... Zoë was in the middle of it all smiling like a goof Happy to be home. I looked at Zoë grinning, "thank you so much Sis." She nodded and walked out sending in the next person.

Grandpa Zeus.

"How's my favourite grandson?" He asked smiling. "Why am I everybody's favourite?" I asked annoyed. Zeus laughed, "because you have done a lot to deserve it." He answered, "I am happy to here your ok and that we are now directly related instead of my inbecile brother making a mockery of your heroism. Now I believe Zoë was saying we all got you get we'll soon gifts." I sighed exasperatedly. He smiled and continued, "So me and Hermes worked together to get you this." He pulled out a snow globe, "A old snowglobe?" I asked. "A magic old snowglode. Rub the ball and say a name and you can see that persons current wearabouts. Cool right?" Zeus explained. I grinned and nodded rubbing the ball, "show me Sally Jackson."

The image shimmered to reveal a middle aged women spoon feeding a baby boy smiling then looking concerned and walking into another room, she sighed "Where are you Percy?" She said aloud.

"I NEVER TOLD MY MOTHER!" I shouted in shock. Zeus chuckled, " i will send Hermes to tell her, she must think you were kidnaped again if you've been gone for a year and 7 months, It's July First anyway." He said. "Tell Jason Happy Birthday" I called as he left.

Uncle Apollo was back.

"Hey Perce!" He said. "Hey Apollo!" I said. He handed me a Little cupcake that had yellow frosting and a orange fondant sun, "thought you needed a pick me up." I grinned widely and shoved it in my mouth.

"The road to recovery starts with a good cupcake."

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