Chapter 10

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Percy's POV

A man with black hair and obsidian eyes was before me, the throne room of his palace was here. "Lord Hades?" I asked him confused. He smiled warmly to me, "Percy I have come in your dream to ask you to be my champion, do you accept?"

I grinned as the Cheshire Cat would. "Yes I do." A black glow surrounded me and suddenly, I woke in shackles, a black castle was in the distance. We moved away from it. I rubbed my eyes and then broke out of a daze to find myself surround by monsters, dragging me by the cuffs on my wrist. I was weaponless as I struggled against the imperial gold shackles but nothing worked.

"Let me go!" I shouted at the Cyclopes dragging me.

It grunted in response.

I closed my eyes and sighed. Kronos. That I remember. Suddenly I heard yelling, "WHERES THY BROTHER!?"

I smiled, that voice could only be Zoë Nightshade. I was being rescued by my amazing sisters, I laughed. A silver arrow split a Cyclopes eye in half, pression of a daughter of apollo, "Diana." I whispered to myself.

"Guys!" I yelled hoping they could here me. Ms.Beano was here too, I learned as a sword to big for the small wielder chopped her up.

I laughed as I saw Novia, she was riding a hellhound while stabbing it. And shooting arrows at anything near her. Her black eyes were opposite of her dark red hair but soon her body was the same color of her hair. Blood.

A golden arrow came at my shackles and split them in two, "Apollo Campers." I muttered, "show offs, even I could do that,"

I stood up with the golden cuffs on me and kicked a monster toward Winne, her short blond hair was stained with dirt.

I looked around for the first time, Tartarus, I started hyperventilating, not again. Not again. I cannot be here again! Air was running low. Pain was taking over me. Flashbacks would come if I didn't get out. I closed my eyes and hit the ground clutching my skull as the flashback came.

Bob shoved us in the elevator, me and Annabeth. I cried for him to stop,

"No bob!" I sobbed "i can hold the doors, go and see the sky again! PLEASE!" I pleaded. He smiled sadly to me, "Tell the Stars hello for me," the doors to the elevator closed and I sobbed and sobbed, my wounds open and flowing made the pain that much worst. I just lost my true friend, Bob the Titan.

Not my worst nightmare...but the most painful for sure.

Arui had found us and had stabbed my chest, Annabeth was sobbing on me and I was in so much pain. Pain. It was all I knew. Blood openly poured from me and surrounded me in a pool of blood, I would have died if He didn't show up...

I snapped myself to reality so I didn't have focused see that...I never wanted to see that ever again. Diana's Head was above me, her Carmel hair was in my face. "PERCY!" She helped me up and then punched me, "ow!" I screamed.

"Why would you do that Perce!" She yelled in protest.

I laughed, "now to get out of here!"

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