Chapter 9

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Zoës POV

I jumped in the window of the castle, I landed with a thud drawing the attention of a figure walking over.

"Zoë Nightshade, Welcome back, though im sorry to say your visit to the world of the living will Be Short." The voice, Male, said.

"Thee does not believe that boy, " I pointed an arrow at his chest, "show thyself." I demanded.

A figure with shaggy black hair and shinning brown eyes walked out of the shadows, "My name is Harkness, Tyler Harkness. Son of Themis, Titan of Foresight. (I think, that may be Phoebe.) we are both demititans, not accepted by those half bloods. Join me..join us!" He said.

I glared, "stupid male, I have found my place, you have found yours. Yours is serving an army at my guess and you have chosen the wrong place..a place that you will die in," I released my arrow and it went straight into his throat. Dead. That stupid boy deserves it anyways. I turned and walked down the stone hall and found a brown door slightly cracked, I peeked inside and saw Armia in her camo jacket and white shirt, poking around a book.

"Armia." I whispered, she turned and threw a knife that I dodged and gasped, "Zoë! Don't scare me like that." She whisper-yelled.

I walked over to the open book and gasped, "a code," I mumbled looking at the server all highlighted words, some highlighted in blue, others in yellow, pink, green and orange. "That's what I thought." Armia said over my shoulder.

"The letters A and R are highlighted in Orange the word Art while the T is highlighted in Blue. The letters T, E, and M are highlighted in the word Temple with orange while the rest is green and the words I And S are highlighted in Is. It spells Artemis." She said..I gasped in shock.

"If you look at all the orange letters on this page, it says Tell Artemis, the pink letters say He is Alive....They mean Percy!" Armia said happily.

"Thy books code reads, 'tell Artemis he is alive for now, I won't stay waiting for hunters to stop my plan, don't accept him back.'" I read. I broke into weeping, "thou is my brother, he cannot die!" I ran out the door with Armia close behind me and we opened every door, killed every monster.

We found a silver door locked and burst into it, a unconscious Annabeth Chase was there. I smacked her awake and she laughed maniac-like.

"Where is Percy!?" Armia asked her.

"Your too late My Lord has him." She laughed once again and I punched in lights out.

"We need to find Percy!" I YELLED.

then I heard a unmistakably male groan outside the window.

Percy's Groan....

The Male Hunter Of Artemis - Hero From The StarsWhere stories live. Discover now