Chapter 17

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Zoës POV

Percy was gone again. Me, Thalia, Ryan (Stuipd Half-brother of Percy's), and Tierra left for Maine yesterday and now we were boarding a tour bus waiting to get to the pine groves of Maine. I sat by the window in the front of the bus and sighed, I missed the hunt already. I felt someone sit next to me and thought it was Thalia so I turned and found Ryan. "Leave now boy." I hissed the words. "You don't want me to leave do you buttercup, right?" He said charmingly.

I smacked him and kicked him in the alleyway of the bus.

When we arrived we went away from the group to explore according to the prophecy,

"A mission to Maine's woods,

To save a hunter and find a brother,

Son of Diana now be found. "

It was short but Apollo said the oracle was 'recharging'.

We arrived and split into groups, Ryan and Thalia since Thalia could kill him in less then 3 seconds if he hit on her. I was with Tierra.

As we walked, my foot knocked loose some dirt and I fell into a tunnel. I screamed in alarm as I fell, Faling my arms. I heard Tierra yell in shock but I was engulfed in fear. When it all stopped, I was in a chamber. I looked at the stone carvings in anceint Greek, i barley had time to read 'Prisoner List' before I heard footsteps. I hid behind some bleachers made of stone, built into the walls. A group of Demigods and monsters alike sat in the stands as I looked through their legs.

Hyperion, Titan of the light, brought in a shackled boy about my age. His hair was blonde and his eletric blue eyes lit with terror. He looked a bit like Thalia. After him, I nearly ran out of my hiding spot crying. A boy was tied to a peice of wood carried by two people I knew well, Atlas and Koios. The boy had shaggy black hair darker then the dark side of the moon, but his eyes..they were pure silver. It took me a second to realize it was Percy Jackson, Son of Artemis.

***************No bold, writing on computer*****************************

Dear readers,

I know its short but I was pushing to get out this chapter for you guys. I wanted you to know whats happening to Percy plus I really want your imput. Sorry its short!

I will be gone december 15-17 so NO UPDATES! Its gonna break my heart but I will get out two chapters everyday this week before I go! Sorry Sorry Sorry, please bear through it and dont abandon this story!

-Love from Kallie Love <3


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