Chapter 24

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Percy's POV

I ran through the woods smiling with Diana and Atlanta trying to keep up, "SLOW DOWN PERCY! YOULL SCARE OFF GAME!" Diana yelled. "Says the one yelling." We stopped and sat in the branch of a tree. I sent an arrow at a lone deer 🦌. It fell to the ground and the Apollo girls cheered. "I missed this." I said quietly. Diana smiled, her Carmel hair and sky blue eyes were both sparkling in the sun of dawn. Suddenly a scream burst through the woods, "Amaiden is in trouble," Atlanta cried. We hopped down from the tree and ran east towards the scream to find a bloody body. I ran over to check her vitals when she flipped over and grabbed me, pinning me down. The girl had long brown hair and startling brown eyes like a cows. "Who are you?" I screamed. Diana ran to help alongside Atlanta with a sword and daggers. The girl raised her hand towards them and pushed them into the trees with an invisible force. "I'm sorry Perseus." The girls sweet voice sung. She pushed out her hand and a swirling gold portal opened. Diana groaned and got up, She gapped and shot an arrow toward her but she jumped in the portal with me in tow.

I landed on a contreate floor that was damp. They girl looked upset towards me and then turned away and bowed. A man hidden in shadows sighed, "Celia, I said bring him and another one! Where is she?" The mans raspy voice asked. I tried to talk but no words came out, the man laughed. "You can't talk unless I want you too boy." He said amused like I should know this. The girl, Celia, groaned, "the two girls were not of entertainment or interesting."

"Find One." The man growled. The girl disappeared in another portal and the man turned to me. He walked forward but I could only see his black wings covering him. He snapped his fingers and I wore a long sleeve black shirt, silver cargo pants, and a black collar along with silver shackles. "WHO ARE YOU!" I screamed at him. "I am Chaos, creator of the world, and I am studying the Olympians children and their power. I also have tributes representing hades. You are here to be one of the test subjects for Artemis." 

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