(Chapter 1)

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* Your POV as Jughead *

"Bro, are you seriously angry at Betty for doing something nice for you?" Archie turns his head at you.

"I'm not angry. I just don't like drawing attention to myself, especially on my birthday" you respond leaning back on the wall of Archie's basement, trying to take shelter from the party upstairs.

"Well, now that you have a girlfriend, you're going to have to do things like this." Archie responds taking a bite of the cake he snatched from the kitchen upstairs.

"Things like what? Spending time with people who I actively avoid at school? I don't think so Archie" you narrow your eyes at Archie.

"Whatever man. It's still your party, and Betty just wanted to help... so stop being your mopey self and go upstairs already and try to fake it"

"Ughh, fine" you groan getting off the couch and walk upstairs.

Walking upstairs and entering the kitchen, you see kids everywhere. Who even knows this many people? Did Betty really think I would want to spend my birthday with these kids? I wish it was just the two of us at a booth in Pops.

"I'll be back Jug. I'm going to join Veronica outside" Archie yells to you while walking outside.

"Wait, I'll come with you" you yell back trying to push past people.

"No, it's fine... I'll be back!"

Man, Archie. Way to go leaving your bro hanging solo.

You lean back against the kitchen wall, trying to do what you always do... blend in unnoticed and observe what's going on around you.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the birthday boy!" Chuck runs up to you and gives you a big push.

"What do you want Chuck?" you roll your eyes.

"Oh I don't mean any harm Jughead, just here to celebrate your oh so very special day" he responds sarcastically with a sneaky smile.

"Well, at least someone wants to be here... I'm out" you retort walking past him but don't get too far before Chuck pushes you back to the wall you were leaning against.

"Get out of my way Chuck" you say sternly.

"What am I doing?" he laughs.

Seeing that you apparently have very little choice with anything going on today, you stick it out and just stand by the wall and wait for Chuck to see one of his goons and leave you alone. Eventually this happens, and you make a mad dash out the door outside.


"Dad?... What are you doing here?" You ask a bit out of breath.

"I'm here for your birthday" he half smiles.

"Oh. Betty invited you?"

"Yeah, she did. Jug, she's a real keeper." He laughs at the end of his sentence.

You smirk and manage to agree, "Yeah, we'll I wish it were just Betty and I"

"Sure, but you two can always be together. Just go back and eat some cake with me... What do you say?"

"Alright dad" you smile and the two of you walk back to the party.


You've spent about an hour at your party, and still not sign of Betty. You decide to abandon your dad, Kevin, and Joaquin in the kitchen and look for her. You don't need go too far before spotting a high blonde pony tail sitting on the couch with Ethel.

"Hey stranger" you say to Betty from behind.

She turns around and looks more excited to see you than usual.

"Juggy!" Betty squeals followed by a hug.

"Betty do you want to..."

"Hang out just the two of us?" she smiles knowingly.


"Absolutely, I missed you. Sorry Ethel, I'll be back later" Betty turns to tell her friend.

We walk back downstairs to Archie's basement and a sense of safety overcomes you.

"Yes, this is what I have been waiting for" you whisper into Betty's ear while you wrap your arms around her into a hug.

"Oh Juggy, I'm sorry" she says into your chest.

"Don't be Betty. You didn't know Cheryl would bring half the school to the party" you reassure her while the two of you sit on the couch.

Placing her head on your shoulder Betty lets out a sigh, "I guess so. I just wanted to do something special for you"

"You already do special things just by being you" you say quietly and kiss her forehead.

Betty looks up at you and kisses your lips sweetly.

The two of you are now quiet and are enjoying each other's company.

"Now this is the party I'm talking about" you look at Betty and add, "just the two of us".

Betty can't help but laugh.

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