Here Comes the Sound (Chapter 26)

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* Your POV as Jughead *

Thank goodness classes are complete for the day. All your teachers were understanding of your late assignments and you are beginning to think that having mom in the school isn't so bad if your day is able to go on as it normally would.

You and Betty take a seat in the lounge waiting for the dismissal bell to ring, and purposely lead the two of you to sit down on the opposite side of Reggie and his football friends who, of course, are speaking loudly and obnoxiously.

"So how has your first day back been?" Betty asks with a smile, purposely leaning close so you can hear her. It was bad enough with the ringing to make out sounds, but Reggie's voice on top of that was just plain irritating.

You instinctively lean closer to her and shrug with a small smile. "Not too bad. Considering it's Friday and no word from... you know who.... I'd say it was a success." You begin to continue speaking with Betty about your day and how things will be ok until you take note of Reggie's conversation.

"I overslept from the party last night, like I already told you...but that's not the weird was in the main office. That secretary with the black hair - total freak!" Reggie laughs while imitating your mom and poking fun at her.

You can't help but want to get up in his face and tell him where to go and how to get there. But you can't. If he's already treating your mom like this now, how would it go if he knew the two of you are related. You need to keep this undercover.

Betty gives you are stare while shaking her head. She can read your mind and knows how much his conversation is bothering you. You weakly nod and reach to hold her hand, figuring the two of you can begin thinking of weekend plans to get your mind off all this stress. That is until she walks in.

"Thank you so much Nurse Smith, I see him right now." your mom smiles at someone, whom you assume to be Nurse Smith, outside the lounge and begins to walk inside the lounge! She walks inside the student lounge! You literally feel your jaw drop as she doesn't stop there, but has the actual audacity to approach you. no No NO !

"Are you Jughead Jones?" your mom asks you with a knowing stare.

You sigh relieved that she at least knows to treat you like any other student, and not her son, in front of the other students. You compose yourself trying to make this believable to the students nearby.

"Y-yes... is everything ok?" you look up at your mom uncomfortably.

"Nurse Smith received your package" she raises her eyes to express that your hearing aids are ready without making it obvious once again, " should visit her before the end of the day."

You can't help but hold your breath slightly at how awkward this is for literally everyone involved and can barely utter out a thank you, before she turns her back towards the door.

"That's the one! That's the secretary I was talking about guys!" Reggie laughs with his group after your mom leaves the room.

You can't stand being in the student lounge any longer and whisper to Betty, "I think I should visit the nurse now, do you want to come Betts?"

Betty nods before kissing your cheek, knowing Reggie's words were more hurtful than he would ever know.

You want to get revenge on Reggie for his insults and do your best to accidentally bump into his chair on your way out. "Sorry man, my bad!" you turn back around and fake your best apology before letting out a chuckle with Betty in the hallway, leaving to the nurse's office fast enough before Reggie can get a hold on you.

Timing is EverythingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang