The Truth Hurts (Chapter 16)

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*Your POV as Jughead*

"Jughead" your mom whispers walking over to you holding the jacket.

Still holding the jacket, you stare at her trying to determine her next move. Will she continue screaming at you after seeing the proof of serpent loyalty? Or will she leave you and your dad again?

She does neither of those two ideas, and instead hugs you without saying anything. She just nods her head knowingly, as if to say she understands why you joined the serpents. You had to, and in many ways, she was the one who pushed you to search for a place of belonging, and you found it with the serpents.

You hug her back and feel tears fall down on your cheeks. You shakily whisper back " I'm sorry mom... I'm so sorry" you quietly say into her back during the hug.

She shakes her head and pulls you away to look you in the eye with tears now in her own eyes.

"Jughead no. Don't be sorry, I was far off before.... I clearly was not thinking things through" she pauses to take a deep breath, "I should have known better. You are one smart kid, Jug. If anyone is going to strategically join a gain, it would be my son" she lightly chuckles, "I was scared you would join for reasons I wouldn't understand. But this!" she pauses, "This is a reason that I will have to live with for the rest of my life. You needed protection, and I am so sorry that your own family couldn't supply that to you.... If a gang provides that protection, then so be it!" she throws her hands up in the air and plops down on your bed.

You sit down next to her on the bed and hold her hand, letting your head rest on her shoulder, "I love you mom" you cry quietly.

"You don't know how much that means to me Jughead" she kisses your forehead, "I love you too sweetie".

Noticing that the screaming has stopped, there is a nock on your bedroom door.

"Yes, Jellybean?" your dad opens your door with a knowing smile looking down at your sister.

"Is it over?" Jellybean meekly asks walking in, "What just happened?"

"Everything is ok Jellybean" your mom says quietly rubbing your arm, showing your sister that the screaming match has ceased. 

She sighs and looks at you, her eyes widen a bit noting that you had been crying. She heard your cries through the wall earlier, but now seeing it, she feels worried.

"Jug?" she quietly says keeping her distance in the room leaning against your wall, "What happened while mom and I were gone?"

Before you can answer, your dad interrupts you.

"Gladys" he looks in her direction and motions to the door, "we should probably start cleaning this trailer"

Gladys nods and smiles at you and Jellybean before leaving your room.

You get up off your bed and walk over to close the door. You take this time not facing your sister, to wipe your eyes from tearing up again.

Walking back to your bed you pat the covers, motioning for her to sit next to you.

"Oh Jellybean" you let out a breath and stare at her.

"Jug, what was that all about?" she asks concerned.

"So" you say lowly trying to figure out where to begin, "you know how when you and mom left, there was a period of time, where I was on my own?" you ask cautiously.

She nods slowly, "right... when dad was spending  time in" she swallows, "jail?"

"Mhmm" you nod closing your eyes trying to keep yourself together and block out such horrible memories, "Well, I really needed people in my life. Not just any people, Jellybean.... people I could actually depend on.... to help me out" you plead slightly.

She nods and looks down seeing where this is going, "Did you become a serpent, Juggie?"

Your heart skips a beat. You can't tell if this is because you are surprised she figured it out. But then again, Jellybean is a smart kid. She could see right through the fight that you had with your mom, along with Alice's sly remarks during dinner.

"Look Jellybean" you sigh, "I did... only because I had to. If things were different" you stare up at the ceiling, "then who knows? Maybe I would have never gone through the initiation..." your voice trails off while rubbing your arm.

"Initiation?" she raises her voice a bit, not keeping her cool image for a moment.

You raise an eye at her and half laugh "Save that question for another day, kid!" you let your back fall down on to your bed.

She chuckles and nods, "Ok, it's fine...I get it"

"Good" you respond tiredly and run a hand through the hair sticking out of your beanie, "Are you ok? Are you ok knowing that I'm a serpent now?"

She smiles weakly at you, "I mean I guess I have to be hearing how things went down... you kind of didn't have much of a choice" she takes a breath, "So I'm ok with it... as long as things never get to a point where you are in danger!" she hisses.

"No!" you quickly say patting her back, "Jellybean, I promise I will not get hurt" you then add with a smirk, "besides, being the son of FP, doesn't hurt"

She rolls her eyes at you, "That really could go both ways.... serpents will have your back, but other rival gangs will see that as a target" she says a bit harshly.

You swallow hard, not thinking about it from that point of view. She may be right, but so far you haven't faced that type of danger, and you express that to Jellybean.

While Jellybean and mom now appear to be cautiously on board with your new serpent status, you can't help but still feel uneasy. On the one hand, you are grateful that you no longer need to hide this secret from the two of them. But on the other hand, you ponder on the thought of new danger entering your life with mom and Jellybean back in the picture. Will the news of your family reuniting make headlines and cause you to look vulnerable to the wrong people? 

Timing is EverythingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon