The Cooper Household (Chapter 12)

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*Your POV as Jughead*

"Jughead", Betty's eyes light up seeing you approach her at her locker. Putting on her backpack she adds, "Do you want to hang out at my house?"

Your mind is spinning from what just happened with Reggie and determining when to tell Betty about your family reunion. "When?" you ask staring blankly while the two of you walk out the doors.

"Now" she smiles at you, "Hey..." she walks in front of you to prevent you from walking further.

Startled you stumble back and look at her.

"Is everything ok?" she asks sincerely.

"Yeah" you lie, "just a lot going on ... i'm glad we can hang out just the two of us" you smile grabbing for Betty's hand to hold.

She smiles back, "Good. Me too" and kisses your hand while the two of you proceed onward to Betty's house.


Arriving at Betty's home, the two of you walk up her stairs to her front door. You wait patiently holding yours and Betty's backpack while she rummages through her coat pockets in search of her house key. Before Betty can open the house door after finding her key, you notice the door is opened from the inside .

"Mom? I didn't realize you would be home now" Betty says to her mom who opens the door for you two.

"And hello to you too Elizabeth" Alice replies back. She then looks at you, "Ah, I see you are having a friend over." and walks into the house without fully acknowledging your existence.

"Mom, Jughead and I are going to study together in my room" she softly says picking up her backpack from your hands.

"On a school night, dear? I suppose you can, but not too late honey" she adds staring you up and down and flashing you a look of disapproval.

"Hello Alice" you fake a smile to break the tension. You have no idea why Mrs.Cooper is suddenly treating you the way she used to before becoming somewhat of a couple with your dad. What could have happened?

"Hello Jughead... I apologize for my actions, I shouldn't take in out on you. It's just..." Alice speaks with hurt in her eyes.

"Mom, what happened?" Betty asks her mom while walking up to console her.

"I saw FP earlier today with Gladys" Alice says sternly zooming her attention solely at you.

You cannot believe that this is happening. Your dad and Alice were good for each other. Now that mom and Jellybean are back in the picture, will a seemingly good situation actually be a setback for you and your dad? Your eyes begin to well up with water and you just stare at Alice.

"Mom, I don't understand" Betty says rubbing her mom's shoulder. She then looks at you with worry in her eyes and says, "Do you know what she is talking about Jughead? Who is Gladys?"

"Yes. Go ahead Jughead dear. Tell my daughter who Gladys is. She has the right to know if you haven't mentioned this to your girlfriend yet." she barks coldly at you.

"Betty, I can explain..." you plead walking up to her putting your hands on her face.

Betty stares at you in confusion and waits for you to speak.

"Betty, I was planning on telling you. I just wanted it to be the right time so things can work out for everyone" you glance Alice a look and then continue, "When things were rough with my dad, my mom took my little sister and left us" you stop to catch your breath noticing your voice is quivering.

"Oh, ok" she replies softly.

"And... now they're back. Gladys is my mom. My mom and sister came back a few days ago without even telling my dad and I" you begin to raise your voice with a hint of hurt in it, "So my dad and I have been trying to process this and I am honestly still processing it, it's just so much that's been going on and I..."

"Hey, look at me Juggie" Betty sweetly says with the same tears in her eyes, "I'm here for you. If you're going through something, then we're going through it together.... I'm glad you told me"

"Well, he should have told you sooner Elizabeth. Like father like son. FP has just been stringing me along until his wife would come back" Alice raises her voice at Betty. You had forgotten she was still in the room.

"Mom, you knew about Jughead's family. I could have asked you why you never brought this up to me too!" Betty defends herself.

"Elizabeth, all I know is that FP is a dishonest man and his offspring will be the same way" she cruelly looks at you.

"Please Mrs.Cooper" you decide not to call her Alice as you had done in the past noting the lack of warmth from her currently, "those are not my dad's intentions. Him and I truly had no idea about my mom's and Jellybean's return. So please, give him a chance, we both still want to work things out with you. My family's return should not break us apart..... You and my dad have something special and I don't want that to change" you manage to get through your mini-plea without losing it.

Alice looks at you and then Betty, takes a deep breath and says, "to be discussed" while she walks away into the kitchen.

"That's a good sign" Betty whispers into your ear.

You look at her and let your head fall back while you let out a small sigh of relief.

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