The Beginning of a Long Night (Chapter 32)

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* Your POV as FP * 

"But dad" Jellybean whines outside the perfect looking home as you all wait for the door to be opened after watching Julia knock on it, "... I just wanted to -"

You cut your daughter off before her whining can drive you any more insane. "I said that's enough Jellybean. When you want alone time, you go to your room or take a freaking walk around the trailer park. But you do not...I REPEAT...DO NOT....try to leave and head off to god knows where on the south side of town."

Jellybean was quite upset earlier from all the fighting, to the point where she needed to get some air. Why she couldn't just get some air on the porch outside the trailer is a mystery to you and knew the sneaky little girl you helped raise to be street smart was showing signs of trying to outsmart you. What goes around comes around.

Before the back and forth bickering can continue, the door is propped open, showing the face of a familiar blonde greeting you and your family with a tight lipped smile. Why did you agree to come back to this hell again? Oh that's right. Jones luck. Thinking the woman had changed her ways and with the hopes of making things right again. Yeahhh....nope.

There was a bit of awkward silence as all eight eyes from the Jones clan stare up into the two Cooper cold eyes. That is, until you finally decide to speak up, always one to be the leader of the group, much like the leader of the serpent gang. "So what gives Alice?" you chuckle faintly, "...gonna let us in or what?"

Alice seemed to have been staring off at you, as if something was on her mind, only maneuvering back into reality at the sound of your cocky remark. "Oh..yes. Of course. Please..." Alice opens the door further, "...come in. Betty and I are both happy to have you all return." With that statement, the four of you shuffle your way into the house, instantly salivating at the mouth as you remember just how good Alice's cooking has always been.

Noticing Jellybean still in a mood over the mini blow up seconds ago right outside the door, you clamp down on her shoulder, bending to her ear to whisper, "Not a sound out of you. Got it?"

Jellybean merely huffs, squirming her small shoulder out from under your hand and mumbles low, "Fine." She walks her way towards the kitchen table, taking a seat, too in her own world, and quite honestly, too young, to realize to wait for Alice to guide the family along towards the table. You notice Jughead peer his eyes down at Jellybean, making a face, seeing the uncomfortableness all over the boy's face, wishing for this dinner to finish before it even starts.


* Your POV as Betty *

If there is one thing you know about Jughead, the kid doesn't like social gatherings. Birthdays were the worst and formal dinners such as this with your mom firing questions away at you made him cringe. Not wanting him to suffer any longer, you walk up behind him, showing more affection to your boyfriend in front of the two families than usual, and wrap your arms around his waist from behind. "Hey Juggie." you mutter sweetly, "...come..." you unwrap your arms, reaching to take his hand and guiding Jughead to the kitchen table, taking a seat down next to Jellybean, sandwiching yourself between the Jones siblings.

Jughead joins you with a small sigh, giving you one of his cheeky smiles as he smells the food. "This all smells delicious Betts. You made it?" he teases with a small smirk forming on his face.

"What do you think?" you raise a brow, "..My mom wouldn't let me go anywhere near the food. But..." you smile playfully and pick your hands up to show off the silverware decorated long kitchen table, "...I set the table."

"Good for you." Jellybean pipes in sarcastically, earning a glare from Jughead her way.

"Jellybean...." Jughead retorts looking her way further as he senses a growing grin on his sister's face for annoying him, "...nobody asked you to comment."

"And nobody asked you to sit down with your girlfriend right between me!" Jellybean growls back before growing quiet as she notices the adults; Gladys, FP, and your mom, all making their way to join the three of you on the opposite end of the long kitchen table.

Sensing a slight tension between the Jones family, or lack of feeling welcome, your mom begins to pour food onto her plate, signaling for everyone to do the same. "Go ahead. Eat. I didn't cook all this food for nothing." she says sternly with a hint of playfulness while making eye contact with FP.

You can already feel the chemistry rekindling again between your mom and Mr.Jones; only making you wonder if this was the reason for her brilliant idea to throw yet another dinner party. On the one hand, you miss seeing your mom so happy, and honestly, seeing FP so happy too, knowing it made things easier in the trailer for Jughead when his dad was in a good mood. You don't want the relationship between your mom and FP to end, but know with Julia back in the picture, how could the two continue their rekindled fling? Not that it didn't take a bit getting used to to see your mom date again, let alone the father of your boyfriend. But with time, it just felt to be the norm. Now?  No. This didn't feel right. The dinner felt forced and the suppressed longing between FP and your mom was palpable, only praying Julia wouldn't catch on to it.

You feel yourself zoning out, thinking such thoughts, and trying to be the goody good for your mom at this bizarre dinner party, only causing your anxiety to simmer to a slow rhythm along the lining of your abdomen, you try to appear normal. Unable to bite any more of your food, you simply trace out the letters to your name along the mashed potatoes, listening here and there to the forced small talk between the parents. You peer your eyes up just enough to catch a look from Jughead. 

Not wanting the sweet boy to be concerned about you, you pick up your fork and tell yourself to eat. It was hard to swallow down food once you get in your anxious moods, but force it down to avoid even more of a scene at this dinner.



* Your POV as Jughead *

"You okay Betts?" you ask softly, peering down at Betty obviously trying not to crack. You know that look of hers and you know the whole mess between your parents is hurting her just as much as it is giving you a run for your money. Not only is your little sister starting to pick up her old ways and show off her bad ass traits, but you could clearly tell, and you think Betty can too, that your dad and Mrs.Cooper have not forgotten about what the two are missing out on. And who is the culprit for their quick split? Your mother. Your mother who is speaking with Alice about her new job at the moment; the life of a high school secretary.

"I'm fine Jug." Betty smiles weakly while putting more mashed potatoes in her mouth with a sigh.

Knowing you needed to be strong for Betty, you give a nod before rubbing her back and helping yourself to some more chicken. Unlike Betty, you could eat and eat and eat. Rain or shine. Happy or sad. Healthy or sick. Food was sorta your thing and could never pass down a good meal, no matter how awkward this dinner was getting.

"Betty..." you smirk at her, knowing you needed to distract her, " this." You put a pea on your fork and level it on the table by your plate, getting it to aim right into your mouth.

Earning a giggle from Betty, you feel satisfied, always knowing how to make your girl laugh. Laughing yourself as she tries to imitate what you did with her own fork and failing.

"Ah. One day Betty. One day." You tease and resume back to eating. For a while things seem to go well, making you believe this dinner may just go ok. That is, until your mom looks up at you and Jellybean, asking the one question kids dread, knowing there would be the missing out on of  top secret information. She simply asks the two of you, soon including Betty as well as her gaze falls on the three of you, to give the adults some alone time in the kitchen. 


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