(Chapter 4)

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*Your POV as Jughead*

You and your dad drive back home to the trailer park and crash on the couch.

You're so tired from all these birthday festivities.

"Dad?" you turn over to your dad with his feet up on the table and his head back on the pillows.

"No more birthday surprises, right?" you ask taking off your beanie.

Your dad lets out a large exhale, "Fine son. No more surprises"

"Good" you respond leaning back on the cushions of the couch.

Your dad returns the gesture by patting your shoulder.

"Although there is one more surprise now that I think of it" he looks at you with a glimmer in his eyes.

You groan, "what?" drawing out the word.

Dad gets up off the couch and messes your hair as he walks past you. He comes back holding a copy of your school's blue and gold newspaper opened to the page with your article.

You feel your eyes widen. You did not expect your dad to find the school newspaper, let alone find the time to locate and read your article.

"Good stuff, boy!" Dad smiles shaking the newspaper in front of you and then dropping it on your lap.

You pick it up and look over your article. " I can't read my article any more... I've read it so many times looking for any typos that I'm afraid to look again" you laugh.

"You're a hard worker Jughead and a remarkable writer" your dad says looking at your article.

You feel your cheeks flush a bit and smile at your dad, "Thanks dad"

"Night son" dad responds and falls asleep on the couch.

After pulling off your dad's work boots for him and placing a throw blanket over him, you walk into your bedroom, finish last minute homework, and fall asleep on your bed still wearing your clothes from the day.


You decide to be a good boyfriend the next morning and walk Betty to school.

"Good morning Jughead, you can come in. Betty will be down in a second" Alice opens to door and lets you in.

"Thank you Mrs.Cooper" you smile staying put by the door.

"Oh please Jughead. Call me Alice" she smiles and continues to wash the dishes in the kitchen.

It's hard to picture your dad with Alice Cooper. But other times you can totally see it. It's almost like they complete one another and accept each other despite their flaws.

"Good morning sleepy head" Betty greets you with a kiss on your cheek.

"Morning Betts" you respond.

"Alright, all ready to go?" Betty asks putting on her backpack.

"Elizabeth! Did you eat breakfast?" Alice calls out before you both can leave.

"Yes, mom. I had some orange juice and finished the rest of my oatmeal from the other day" she replies with a hint of annoyance.

"Ok good. Because you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So Jughead did you eat breakfast as well?"

"Mhmm" You lie. You literally only had a sip of sink water and a half eaten granola bar. It's not much, but you're used to it.

"Ok, good. Have a good day you two!" Alice says closing the door behind us.


"Didn't you wear that shirt yesterday Jug?" Betty asks you as you two walk into homeroom.

"What are you Veronica?" you tease.

"I'm just being a concerned girlfriend." she looks up at you cupping your chin with the palm of her hand.

"Well in that case.... maybe I did" you smirk bringing her closer to you.

She just stares down.

"What?" you ask concerned.

"It's just... sometimes I worry about you and how your dad sort of neglects you Jug" she says worried.

"Betty... my dad doesn't baby me. I chose to wear this shirt again" you defend your situation.

"But he can buy you more clothes.... and more food"

"He bought me dinner last night, and he even read my article in the blue and gold. Trust me Betts, I've seen a change in him." you try to reassure her.

"Ok, if you say so. I just hope it sticks and he continues to pay attention to you" she says hugging you.

You hug her tight and reply, "You have nothing to worry about."

You wouldn't say anything to Betty, but you think the reason your dad has been improving is because of her mom. He is happy with Alice and in return, he is happier at home and with you. He hasn't had a bad drinking episode in a while and was even able to secure a job. While your situation might look bleak to Betty, she doesn't know what things used to be like.

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