Changes (Chapter 24)

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* Your POV as Jellybean *

You can't believe what just happened. The way your parents were arguing with Jughead, you thought, was just plain mean. Even you remembered to be patient with him, and let him rest. To top it all off he had what looked to you like a really uncomfortable asthma attack. You've never seen an asthma attack before, and the fact that it was your brother  who suffered from one, made it that much worse. You just hope nothing that scary happens again this night, but then again, your mom did say she had some news for all of us. Gulp.

You scoot yourself closer to Jughead on the floor and study his breathing. He is no longer wheezing but it's certainly not steady.

"A-Are  you ok Juggie?" you ask softly, afraid to say the wrong thing.

He faces you and nods slowly. "I'm ok Jellybean, just...." he sighs, "...not expecting my runaway fiasco to result in that."  

You widen your eyes up at him, "Is that what you were doing? Trying to run away?" you no longer speak softly, but rather, pretty hurt.

"" he shakes his head, "I didn't mean runaway" he uses his fingers to quote the damaging term, "...I just needed to get away for a little bit. It's not like I wouldn't return." 

You don't answer him and look down, angry that he would fathom leaving you alone in this toxic environment. You feel your dad's hand pat your back comfortingly. He knows that it was him and mom who took Jughead over the edge with their insults and insinuations.

"Sweetie..." mom speaks calmly and concerned, "...I'm very sorry..." she looks over at dad for a moment, "...we both are. We really should not have become so upset with you. After all, you're the one who is suffering from injuries, not us!  I don't know what got over me...." her voice trails off staring at Jughead holding his inhaler with a somewhat shaky hand.

"Mom" Jughead licks his lips trying to gather his thoughts, "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you ...and please don't take this the wrong way..... acted that way towards me,'s just.... out of habit?" He shifts his eyes nervously up at mom.

Now understanding the severity of her son's injuries, Gladys does everything in her power to remain calm. She does not want to upset Jughead again, but was nevertheless, surprised by his question. 

"What do you mean by that Jug? Old habits? Do you see may as someone who causes their kid to need to run out?" She narrows her guilty eyes at him, trying to understand where he is coming from.

Jughead sighs, "I mean... think about it." He bends his knees and uses his arms to cradle them, "... It hasn't been too long and already we're arguing again. We ALL are. Jellybean is upset and I really don't want this trailer to turn into the dangerous environment it used to be!" He swallows hard and looks at you and then back at your mom, "so please...everyone... for the sake of our family, we really all need to try to tone things down a bit. O-Okay?" he asks a bit shaky, almost bracing himself for another fight.

"You're right Jug." your mom grabs to hold his hand softly, making him flinch, "...I don't want mine and your sister's arrival to create waves in the house. We NEED to make things work.... which is one of the reasons why I have to tell you all something." she looks at everyone with a serious look, still holding your brother's hand.

Your dad stands up, causing everyone's attention on him. "Gladys I refuse to sit on this cold floor any longer" he half laughs and walks over to the couch in the living room. "If you're going to torture us with more  news this night, we should at least be comfortable" he teases tiredly.

Your mom smiles weakly, "You're right FP. This is pretty important. We should be comfortable." She stands up and walks over to the couch, sitting up straight. She clearly has something on her mind. Maybe this will explain her odd behavior earlier.

You wait for Jughead to slowly make his way off the ground, giving each other a worried look before joining your parents. 


* Your POV as Jughead *

You honestly are exhausted and don't know if your body can handle any more news. Good or bad news, you just want to go back to sleep. You sit down tiredly on the couch next to Jellybean and shift your eyes at mom.

"Ok" your mom takes in a deep breath and looks at the three of you. "One of the reasons I was able to return back to Riverdale with Jellybean was because I passed my GED. Having a degree, I'm now able to find better work than I have in the past, and I really do believe that will better our family.... extra cash flow, health coverage, and just being a more responsible mother."

There is silence. No one truly expected your mom to turn the conversation into her employment options, but at least this is now a more productive conversation. You couldn't help but wonder. Where? Where was she thinking of working? Did she have a plan in mind? Did she have a long term goal?

"Wow Gladys..." your dad stretches into a grunt on the couch, "...that's the best news I've heard this whole year." he lets out a laugh and stares at her now curious, "Where were you thinking of working? Did ya have a place in mind?"

Your mom nods and reaches for your hand. Your hand! Why? Where was this going? Ans why was this feeling like a premonition for a bad and uncomfortable result?

"I do." she nods with a small smile. "I applied to be a secretary at Riverdale High School." she looks into your eyes, "Jug, I want to make up for all that time lost between us and I figured with the way things have been going at school, you could use an extra set of eyes to watch out for you sweetie."

You feel your jaw drop and can't help but feel speechless. You try your best to fake a smile and mumble something incoherent. But on the inside you are a bundle of hot nerves. What? Mom at school? That is literally the last place you want her to work. It won't be good for either one of you and you guarantee that something at some point will go terribly wrong.

"Hello? Earth to Jughead?" your mom waves a hand at your face with a smile, "..So, what do you think?"

You gulp still not comprehending what is going on and are in an utter state of shock. "Good mom." you lie, unable to speak another word.

"Gladys. Are you serious?" your dad huffs and looks at her sympathetically, "How did you think the boy would react? He's obviously pissed his mother is going to work in his school!...Give him time... this is probably-"  

"Embarrassing?" Jellybean cuts in with a smirk. "Yeah, I'm glad it's not my school!" she giggles.

You glare at Jellybean and look back at mom with a sigh. "Look mom, I'm glad you found yourself a job. I am... but like dad said... I'm going to need to process this. I'm still getting used to us all being back as a family, and now..." you swallow hard speaking hoarsely from the yelling earlier, "....I'm going to need to get used to seeing you at school too. You never have even been to my parent-teacher conferences before, either one of you!" You nervously fumble with your suspenders falling to the couch.

"I know, I know Jughead. And I get that, I really do. But..." she puts her arm around your shoulder, "...I've been doing a lot of thinking and believe this is the best opportunity. Especially when you came home so hurt today, I couldn't let something like happen to you again..." she says softly, knowing that is a tough pill for you to swallow. Knowing it took an ignorant bully to finalize a job opportunity.

"....I can take care of myself..." you hiss into a mumble and nervously rub your ears from the ringing. You hate being seen as someone who needs help or is to be pitied. You honestly debate putting on your black leather serpent jacket just to prove how tough you can be when you really want to.

"I know that Juggie." your mom rubs your back, still cautious of your bruises, "...But a mom can also want to be there for her son? Right?" she looks up at you caringly, letting all her roughness subside. This makes you understand a bit more where she is coming from. You figure your life is already a mess, a little more craziness would be your normal.

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