(Chapter 8)

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* Your POV as Jellybean *

"Jughead, why don't you take a walk around the neighborhood or go to Pop's with Jellybean now. Your mom and I need to take care of a few things" you overhear your dad say to Jughead.

"You don't want us four to spend time together?" Jughead asks catching the house keys that dad tossed to him.

"Later Jug. But I now need you two out... got it?" dad asks glaring knowingly at Jughead.

"Fine" Jughead responds tersely and then looks at you, "Jellybean, grab your coat."

After putting on your black denim jacket, you and Jughead walk out the front trailer door. You honestly have no idea where you are going and feel like you are dreaming. While you can't believe mom finally allowed you two to be back with dad and Jughead, you're still not feeling completely comfortable. It's hard to explain exactly what you are feeling because while you love your dad and brother and are so glad to be back home, at this moment in time, they are new to you.

"I'm sorry that things have to be like this." Jughead softly says while the two of you walk out of the trailer park and pass nearby homes.

"Like what?" you look up at him. You think Jughead has grown in height since the last time you saw him. He has always been taller than you, but this is much taller than you remember.

"Well, the fact that our only real reunion as a family was when I cam home late last night." he responds adjusting his beanie.

"Oh. That's ok." you respond trying not to make waves. It still feels a little weird being with your brother after all this time. You notice Jughead stare at you, like he is trying to figure you out.

"Are you ok? It's ok to be honest with me Jellybean" Jughead narrows his eyes at you.

"Yeah, I'm ok" you lie.

Jughead stops walking and bends down to your level, "It's ok to be scared. You haven't been in this town for a very long time and we're now expected to just act like nothing happened. Look, I'm scared too, I honestly don't know what's going to happen. But you have to promise me that you are going to talk to me.... I haven't changed since we last saw each other."

That really makes you feel a lot better. You try to speak back but can only manage to thank him through a whisper while you reach out to hug him.

"I love you Jellybean" Jughead whispers.

"I love you too, Jughead." you whisper back holding on to his coat.


* Your POV as Jughead *

"So, where exactly are we walking to?' Jellybean looks up at you tired.

"Pop's diner." you respond looking ahead.

"Didn't we just eat breakfast?" she smiles at you. You can tell she is starting to feel a little more comfortable with you. She just wasn't acting herself before, almost like she was keeping her guard up. You completely understand why she would act like that, but you are trying to help her see that she can be herself with you, like how things used to be.

"Ahh Jellybean" you grin, "If there's one thing you forgot, it's that I can always eat. Food has no expiration date in my mind"

She laughs to herself and continues walking.

Once the two of you reminisce with Pop Tate, the owner of Pop's diner, and order food, you relax in the comfy booth facing one another.

"I always loved coming to this diner" Jellybean says looking around.

"Me too. I'm always here" you respond looking at her.

"You come here to write your novels, right?" she asks.

"You remember that? I don't think I give you enough credit Jellybean" you tease.

"I haven't forgotten anything. I write in my diary each night. The same one you bought me for my birthday a few years ago" she smiles proudly looking into your eyes.

"I'm glad you write. And I'm even more glad that you still use that diary I bought you... I guess it wasn't a total waste of money" you roll your eyes.

"What?" she asks with big eyes while beginning to crack a smile at you.

"I'm kidding!" you smirk.

You feel something kick your knee. You look under the table to see Jellybean's black converse sneaker quickly move back to her side of the booth. Years ago when you were younger you would have lightly kicked her back or even get annoyed at her. Now? Now, this is progress that she is acting more and more like herself.

Rising back up out from under the table you look at her smiling while shaking your finger at her, "This just shows me that I have to keep a better eye on my little sister".

She begins to laugh and you can't help but laugh with her too. You both are interrupted when the food is brought to your table.


* Your POV as Jellybean *

You forgot how good Pop's food is. Jughead ordered his usual burger while you ordered a chocolate milkshake with a side of fries.

"Why hello Mr.Jones" a sarcastic sounding voice comes from a high school age looking boy. He walks up to your table and directs his attention at Jughead. Jughead looks super annoyed to see this kid so you know he is not a friend.

"Why are you here Chuck?" Jughead asks raising his eyes to look up at this bully.

"I could ask you the same question Jughead. I'm here to pick up some food for my family. We're going to have lunch together before I go win the football game later" Chuck announces.

"Good for you" Jughead sarcastically retorts.

"I wouldn't suppose you will be at our game later?"

"I have no idea what I'm doing later... Are we done here?" Jughead narrows his eyes at Chuck.

"Yeah, we're..." Chuck freezes when he finally takes a look at you, "Whoa dude, you have a splitting image of you in girl form sitting across from you!"

Jughead just stares intensely at Chuck. You are feeling uncomfortable and look down while sipping on your milkshake.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there little girl. I'm Chuck Clayton, i'm basically the definition of everything that Jughead is not. What's your name?" he asks moving closer to you.

"I was taught not to speak to strangers" you put on your best innocent little kid voice. Growing up in the South Side, your pride yourself in your street smart.

"Ok then" Chuck takes a step back from you two and adds, "I can clearly see you two are related and one day I will learn what's going on here. But until then I hope you freaks enjoy the rest of your meal". Chuck walks away while patting Jughead on the shoulder.

As soon as Chuck is out the door Jughead's face turns from angst to joy, "You still have it in you, Jellybean. Nicely done".

"Thanks. I could tell that Chuck kid was up to no good" you respond eating your fries.

"And you would be correct. He is dirt in my mind." Jughead responds staring into space.

"Do you think he knows who I am?" You ask concerned.

Jughead looks back at you, "No, not specifically. He can probably tell you're my sister, but until he hears the truth from one of us, he's not in the loop. Don't worry about him, you've got bigger things to worry about sis" he responds stealing one of your fries.

Timing is EverythingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora