(Chapter 5)

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* Your POV as Jughead *

Being stuck in class would beat this. You have no idea why you were just called down over the loud speaker to report to the Guidance Office. You feel a little uneasy being in the guidance office. It's silent and all the secretaries are busy doing work at their desk. That is until one of them tells you to enter Mrs.Simmons's office. She is your assigned guidance counselor at school.

Mrs.Simons is a nice lady. She is very traditional and speaks on the slow side. She wears glasses and has brown shoulder length hair. She greets you with a welcoming smile as you walk in.

"Hello Jughead, have a seat"

You silently sit down and look around her office. She has posters from a bunch of different colleges and universities.

"So Jughead the reason we are meeting is for me to just check up on you. Make sure things are ok. So let's start off with school. How are things going with that?"

"Umm" you clear your throat and continue, "things are ok with school."

"How are your classes?" Mrs.Simmons asks while pulling out a pad of paper and a purple ink pen.

"They're fine" you respond folding your arms in front of you. Are we done, you think.

"Good, good. Well if you do ever need tutoring, you know that is free of charge for you due to your ummm, financial circumstance."

"Good to know" you respond lowly.

"Ok, well just know that we have that resource for you. Now, have things been better at home?"

You feel your self tense up at this question and can't help but sit up straighter in your seat.

"Jughead, it's ok if you don't feel like talking about it now" Mrs.Simons sweetly suggests.

"No, no. I'm fine.... Home is good." you manage to say.

"Ok, I'm glad to hear that. How is dad doing? Has he been drinking?"

"No. He really has been better with that.... he ummm.... hasn't had any episodes." 

"Good. What is that like for you, Jughead? When your father has a bad drinking episode? Can you describe one for me please?"

You feel your eyes water up a bit and quickly rub your eyes before responding, "Yeah... ummm. They're honestly just scary because I feel hopeless in that situation. I want to help my dad but at that point he's not thinking straight so there's really nothing I can do.... I remember one time I came home late one night and as soon as I walked in our trailer I knew he was drunk. He reeked of alcohol and was really angry."

"So what did you do?" Mrs.Simmons asked with sympathy in her eyes.

"I just tried to disappear in my room. I didn't really want him to even see me, but he did. So he pounded on my door, trying to ask me to open a new bottle since he wasn't able to. I pretended as long as I could to be asleep. That was until he threatened to break my bedroom door down."

"I'm so very sorry Jughead."

"Thanks. I eventually came out and did what he wanted. But I was too scared to sleep at home that night, so I just crashed at work."

"And where is work?"

"At the time it was the drive in movie theater. No one even noticed I was there" you sort of laugh before finishing your sentence.

"Well, Jughead you know you can speak with me any time about anything. I'm happy you were able to come today."

"Thanks Mrs.Simmons" you respond getting up and walking back to class.

You have to admit to yourself, you actually feel a bit better now. Not that you were dwelling on this earlier, but after Betty's comment about your dad possibly still neglecting you, it helped to get these feelings out.


As you walk out the door at the sound of the last bell, you look down at your phone to see a text from Betty: 'Meet me by my house at the end of class ;)'

When you make it down to Betty's house you see her smiling on her front step still holding her binders from school.

"Hey" you smile walking up to her.

"Hey, I'm glad you read my text" she responds kissing you.

"Of course. What's up?"

"I just was thinking about things lately and us, and thought we should just hang out together at my place. My parents are both still at work." she smiles up at you.

"That my lady, sounds like the best thing I've heard all day" you respond kissing her again while the two of you walk into her house and up to Betty's bedroom.


"Is it a cloud?" Betty asks with her back facing you.

"No, I didn't draw a cloud. Here, I'll do it again" you reply facing Betty's back and using your finger to outline a 'drawing' on her back.

"Hmm, I can tell it's something circular.... give me a hint Jug"

"It's edible" you annunciate each word.

"Oh my gosh! It's pizza, you drew a pizza pie on my back!" Betty laughs and turns around to face you laughing with her.

"Come here" you kindly say bringing her in for a hug.

"Ok, now it's my turn" she says turning you around on her bed.

As you turn around you try to focus on Betty's drawing but can't make out much of what she is drawing.

"Betty, I'm going to take off my flannel. I think if you draw over my t-shirt I'll feel it better" you say removing your flannel.

"Ok, I'll draw it again." she replies.

"Is it a horse?" You can't help but smile.

"Well it is an animal, so you're on the right track."

"Ok. I'm saying it's a dog. Final answer"

"You got it! I forgot how good you are at this game" Betty comments while facing your back and proceeding to massage your shoulders.

"Thanks. It's probably because we haven't played this game in the longest time. It's nice to just hang out... just the two of us" you reply turning around at the end of your sentence.

"Juggie" Betty uses her hand to pull your face into hers for a much longer kiss than earlier.

You can't help yourself but return the passion and proceed to kiss her neck just a bit before the two of you lie down together on one of Betty's pillows.

"I love you Jughead" Betty says tenderly.

"I love you too Betty Cooper" you whisper reaching to hold her hand.

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