The Jones and the Coopers (Chapter 13)

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*Your POV as Jughead*

After what feels like forever, you and Betty walk upstairs and enter her room. You love Betty's room. You wonder how it would be if your bedroom were this size and this clean.

You plop down on the floor while she leans her body on your side.

"I'm so sorry Jug. My mom can be too much sometimes" she speaks quietly while raising her eyes at the phrase 'too much'.

"It's ok Betty. I truly was planning on telling you about my mom and sister returning to Riverdale" you plead while facing her.

She leans off you and grabs your hands, "I know Juggie, I believe you."

There is silence in the room for some time.

"So.... you have a younger sister?" Betty begins to smile.

You feel as though a weight is lifted off your shoulders and let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding in, "Yeah, I do. She's the best" you smile.

"That's so cool. I had never pictured you as being an older brother but now I can totally see it." she begins to become excited over this thought.

You chuckle, "Yeah, well I try to be good to her and protect her"

"I'm sure you do! You must be so good to her. What's her name?" Betty asks perched up.

"Jellybean" you look over expecting a reaction.

"She must be a true Jones with a cool name like that" Betty smiles widely looking up trying to picture who this tiny Jones member must be like.

"She's great" you say becoming more comfortable and now laying down on Betty's floor with your knees up.

Without much notice Betty sits on top of your stomach and looks down at you with a huge playful smile.

"Betty!" you laugh, "What are you doing?"

"I'm hanging out with you like we planned" she laughs intertwining her fingers with yours.

You love when Betty gets like this; all playful and giddy.

"Keep your fingers intertwined with mine and lie on my knees" you smirk.

Betty follows through and giggles unsure of your plans but goes along with them regardless.

Holding Betty steady by intertwining fingers, you use your knees to push her up into an airplane style yoga move.

"Ha! Jug, where did this move come from?" she laughs loud.

"I don't know but it felt like a good time to try it" you laugh with her.

You gently and slowly place her back down. The two of you are still laughing and are startled to hear a knock on Betty's door. The two of you quickly get off of one another and sit up straight.

Alice comes in the room, "I came in for two reasons" she pauses.

The two of you stare at her in silence unsure of what is to come next.

"First things first, Elizabeth it's getting late and you haven't had dinner yet..."

Betty interrupts her, "Mom, it's fine. Jughead and I can always get a bite at Pop's when we're done... studying" she blushes.

"Studying? Oh please!" Alice retorts, "which brings me to my second point.... we need to make things right in terms of what happened earlier, so I invited FP, Gladys, and the little one.... oh what's her name?"

"Jellybean?" you whisper in a panic at the thought of what Alice is about to say.

"Right! Jellybean... interesting choice of a name. Anyway, there is no need to go out for dinner at Pop's because I have invited those three to come over for dinner tonight. So Jughead young man, you can open a book and get some actual studying done before your family comes over" she forces a smiles and walks back down to the kitchen to cook a dinner for later.

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