The Dinner (Chapter 14)

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*Your POV as Jughead*

For a while the sound of silverware clinking against the expensive dinner plates in the Cooper kitchen was the only sound present. Unsure of what to say or where to start, the dinner starts off awkwardly. That is until your mom begins to speak up. The last thing she wants to do in her return to Riverdale is create waves, especially with the Coopers. Your mom remembers the Coopers from way back when and knows how anal Alice can be in her ways.

"So Alice, are you still working at the Register?" your mom sweetly asks.

"Why yes I am. Wow, you remember that from years ago?" Alice exaggerates while cutting up the food on her plate.

"Of course. The best source for news in town" your mom smiles.

Alices forces a smile, "Well, thank you Gladys... and what are you now doing with yourself?" Alice asks with a tinge of judgement towards your mom.

"Well, I just passed my GED and am looking to be a secretary, maybe even at school hun" she smiles at you.

You can't help but choke a little on your food and grab for your glass of water.

"Geez Jug" your dad gives you a look, "You see mom for a couple of days and already want to push her away?" he teases.

"Dad" you grunt and give him a look while taking another sip of water.

"No, he probably doesn't want to be embarrassed at school to have kids see him with mom" Jellybean giggles.

Before you can respond your mom cuts in, "Ok, enough about me" she pauses to look at you, "we can discuss this later Juggie" mom smiles at you and then looks over at Betty, "So Betty, how did you and Jughead meet?"

You look at Betty and smile. She smiles back at you knowing how embarrassed you are feeling right now but continues to answer the question like it's no big deal.

"We actually both starting working together at our school's newspaper club.... The Blue and Gold" Betty smiles brightly.

"That is great. Honey, I'm glad to see you are still writing" she looks at you and smiles.

You smile at her and nod, "Yeah, I still do" and let out a breath.

"That's right, he writes every day" FP joins in, "Him and that laptop of his are inseparable.... he's alway with it" he says taking a large bite of his food.

"So, we have a few writers in the room" your mom hums looking at Alice and adds, "Alice, you must be thrilled that your daughter is taking after your writing skills"

Alice nods proudly, "Yes, I have to admit. I am very proud of Elizabeth... And I'm sure that you're glad to see your son picking up a healthy hobby" she says with hurt still evident in her voice while she takes a moment to glare for a nanosecond in your dad's direction.

Your mom laughs, "Umm, I'm not sure I understand" and tries to deflect the tension. However, once Alice Cooper has started with a mission, she is persistent.

"Well, I'm just saying it's good that your son has chosen to participate in some healthy after school options instead of spending all his time with... the wrong people" she sneakily smiles at your mom and shoots your dad a look. Alice is obviously still hurt and she is using you to get even with your dad. What happened to making things right, Alice?

"Alice, I can assure you my son is a good kid" your mom chuckles with annoyance, "I really do not know what you are referring to"

"What I'm referring to Gladys, is that your husband has allowed your son to join the...." Alice begins but is interrupted by FP.

"Alice!" FP loses his cool and raises his voice at her, "Don't you think it's about time to bring over the dessert?... It's getting pretty late" he annunciates every word grinding his teeth at her.

"Fine" she narrows her eyes at FP and gets up to the other room to gather the pastries she prepared for after the meal.

Betty, noticeably embarrassed, quickly gets up, "I'll go help my mom"

It is now the four of you; your parents, Jellybean, and you. All sitting in silence planning what to say to one another when you're back home in the trailer.

After a few moments of Betty and Alice bickering with one another in the next room, they come back with smiles carrying fruit, cake, and mini cupcakes and danishes.

No matter how awkward things can get, one thing that will never change is that you can always eat.

"Help yourselves Jones family" Alice smiles putting some fruit on a new plate of hers.

"Don't mind if I do" you sarcastically grin getting up to take one of everything on your plate.

"Jughead, you pig!" Jellybean laughs watching you.

"Jellybean" you begin with a mouth full of food, "Have you forgotten my weakness?" you smirk.

"What?" she asks playing with her fork.

Betty sweetly smiles at Jellybean, "Your brother loves food, Jellybean.... He has a problem" she teases interlocking your arm.

You look over and half laugh, "Hey, I'm not denying it!"

Everyone laughs and the room goes back to silence again. Ugh.

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