REUNION (Chapter 6)

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* Your POV as Jughead *

Walking back home from Betty's home you can't help but replay the time you just spent with her. Sure it could have been longer but it was perfect. After cuddling together watching a mystery documentary on her bed and just talking about life, you feel really good heading back to yours and your dad's trailer.

"Hey Dad, I'm home." you shout while letting yourself in.

"Jughead? Is that you?" you hear your dad yell back.

"Yeah, who else would it..." you freeze.

You blink a couple times to make sure you are seeing correctly.

"Hi Jughead. I've missed you so much" mom walks up to you and embraces you in a very long hug.

You feel yourself start to become lightheaded and can't help the tears that roll down your face.

"Mom?" you manage to say through tears.

"I know honey. It's a lot to take in.... it's been so long since I've seen my son" she smiles with tears in her eyes too.

"When did you... how did... I'm sorry, what's going on?" you ask feeling your cheeks become warm.

"We came while you were in school. I didn't realize you would come home so late, we were planning on meeting you and dad at Pop's. But, this works too." mom says slowly.

"I told you Julia, I had no idea Jughead would be out this late" dad cuts in.

Then something dawns on you, something your mom said, "We?"

"What was that Jughead?" mom asks in a tired voice. You didn't realize how tired she looked until now. She really looks the same besides how tired she sounds and looks compared to before she left you and dad.

"You said we came here. Who did you come with?" you ask trying to keep your voice steady.

Before mom can answer your question, there she was.

"Jellybean" you barely whisper.

You then build up your strength to walk over to your younger sister, "Jellybean!"

"Jughead! Oh my gosh, It's you! It's finally you!" she cries while the two of you hug one another.

The hug lasts for a long time, because mom and dad join in trying to calm the two of you down. Meanwhile, they are crying too. You never thought this day would come. You are so overcome with emotions that you actually feel sick.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, I'll be right back" you break away from the embrace and run to the bathroom to throw up.


"Jughead" your dad knocks on the door, "Are you alright in there?"

"I'm fine" you lowly answer back. You don't have any strength to full on respond back to your dad, or stand up for that matter.

You hear the door knob to the bathroom unlocking. Your dad probably used a safety pin to unlock the door. He walks in slowly only to find you sitting on the floor holding your head with your hands. Your beanie is on your lap and your black hair is flopped over part of your face. Let's face it, you are a hot mess right now.

"Boy, everything is going to be alright. You hear me?" your dad comforts you while sitting down next to you on the floor.

You feel your eyes tear up again and can't help it but allow yourself to finally sob aloud into your father's chest as he draws you in for a hug.

"I'm sorry dad" you yell through your sobs, "I've missed them so much and I want to see them, but I'm just trying to..."

"Juggie slow down, you're going to hyperventilate. Just...breath" he uses his hand to steady your breathing with you.

You focus on calming down before speaking again more calmly this time.

"Dad" you finally break the silence.

"What is it boy?" he asks filling some sink water into a plastic cup to give to you.

You take a sip and say, "What I was trying to say is that I am happy to see mom and Jellybean. I really am. It's just, I didn't prepare for it exactly and I'm really startled to see them.... Why are they here?" you ask looking at your dad.

"Well, your mom was telling me that she finally passed her GED and was looking for jobs as a secretary while she figures out other job options. She figured since her GEDs are complete, she might as well look for jobs here in Riverdale. It also doesn't hurt that I now have a job, have been sober for a year, and have been back on track." your dad trails off.

"Ok, well at least now things are making more sense.... Where will they be living?" you ask.

"I don't know. For now, they'll stay put with us. Jellybean fell asleep already. I told her she can crash on your bed, we can pull out the air mattress in your room."

"Sure, that's no problem. And where will you and mom sleep?"

"I'm sleeping on the couch. I told mom to take mine, I mean our bed." he responds rolling up his sleeves.

"So they are both asleep?" you ask wide eyed.

"Yup, I tucked Jellybean in about an hour ago, the poor thing was so tired. And I think mom is asleep. She's in my bed, but who knows if she is asleep or not"

"Who knows if any of us will get sleep tonight." you smirk.

Dad smiles at you, "It'll be fine son. We'll get through this."

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