Chapter 1 - She did not

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I slowly woke up. I was surprised that I could get any sleep last night, my insomnia has been getting worse and worse every night. I sat up and arched my back to pop it. Craaaaaack! I sighed with relief, that was probably the best thing about the morning. I got up and ran a hand through my tangled fluorescent red hair. I don't understand how hair gets tangled so easily in one night. I mean, seriously? What goes on in the middle of the night that causes your hair to become a mess? A seizure? Sometimes I miss my short hair, but that just caused me to get bullied even more. Now I was forced to wear sweatshirts and jeans, everyday. Okay, not necessarily forced. But it was for the best, if people saw all my self harm; I would have officially made it to the depths of hell. I walked over to my dresser and brushed out my hair, then looked at myself in the mirror. You could see my ribs through my tank top. Not because I was anorexic, but because I don't eat that much. When I do, it's only like, a cracker. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. 'God.' I thought, 'This hurts more than usual.' I had cuts, burns, and bruises all up and down my body of where I could reach.

After my shower I blow dried my hair then got dressed. Pierce The Veil sweatshirt, and black baggy jeans. I couldn't risk having the jeans pull on the cuts and causing them to bleed in class, so I wore the baggiest jeans I could find in my closet. I slipped on my DC's and picked up my bag. Here we go, 8 full hours in hell-I mean school. I headed downstairs.

"I'm going to school! I'm meeting Lyle at the park so we can walk together!" I yelled up to my brother, Keegan.

"Okay! Be careful, Mew!" He yelled back.

I just ignored him, I didn't want to waste anymore time. I couldn't risk being late to school again. I walked outside and headed towards the park. To my advantage, it was just down the road. Unfortunately for Lyle, my best friend since kindergarten, He lived a few roads down. He usually picked me up in his truck, but I prefer walking.

Somebody came up from behind me and picked me up, "RAWWWWWRRR!" He started laughing.

I burst out laughing, "Lyle! Put me down!" No matter how much I tell him that he can't scare me, he never gives up. That's why I love him. As a best friend of course.

"Why should I?" He gave out one last little laugh, "You never gave me that cookie in second grade."

I rolled my eyes, "I'll buy you a cookie cake, but put me down. Please?" I started pouting with the best puppy eyes I could do. Which wasn't hard for me, considering I'm part fox. But he doesn't know that, and I don't want him to. He'd call me a freak and call the authorities or something.

"Fiiiiinne. Only because you're getting me a cookie cake though." He set me down and ruffled my hair.

"Yay!" I yelled and laughed, then took off running. I was always faster at running than he was. I have an unusual height for a woman, but that's just my advantage.


I made my way to my locker, Lyle walked past me because his was on the other side of school. Which sometimes I was quite glad about that so he wouldn't know about the bullying. I just didn't want him getting involved.

"Oh. It's you." I heard a familiar voice behind me sneer.

I decided to ignore Hailey; she was my ex-best friend. Notice the 'ex' in there. Yeah, Francis was the main douche of the school. Hailey had joined him when rumors went around that I kissed her boyfriend. Lies. All filthy lies. I'd never hurt her. But she begs to differ. I suddenly felt someone smack me against the head.

'She did not.' I thought then turned around and sure enough. Hailey was standing there smirking. "Fuck off Hailey, I don't have time for your pointless drama that you have decided to dish out to me." I said then snickered, "Sorry, I forgot you're blonde. Let me put in a simpler form; leave me the fuck alone." I hissed and turned away from her then got my book out and headed to class.

Thank the lord, she didn't follow me. She was probably still trying to decipher what I said to her. I sat down in first period. Lyle was in this class. I looked over at him, he was already looking at me. I laughed silently and looked away. He always stared at me to make me uncomfortable.

"Good morning students." The home economics teacher chirped as she walked in. There were a few murmurs throughout the classroom. Nobody really liked our extra peppy teacher, Ms. Rockwell. Other than the fact that she can be really funny.

"Before I tell you the project that we will be doing for the next semester, you need to pick a partner. Boy and girl. Unless you're lesbian or gay. Then boy and boy, or girl and girl." Some of the class laughed, the others were disgusted. I was just confused, but as usual; I picked Lyle and he picked me. He walked over and took the seat next to mine. I was surprised by what the teacher said next.

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