Chapter 11 - Just wanted to know

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I woke up to the sound of my phone going off at 8 a.m., but ignored it and went back to bed. Later at one p.m. I had woken up to find Lyle eating breakfast, or, I guess lunch.

"So you didn't bother to wake me up and tell me there was food?"

He looked at me, just now realizing that I was awake. "Nah, 'cause then you would've eaten everything and left none for me."

Pffffft, you wish. "Nuh uh, I'm too fat to do that."

He looked at me like I was stupid, I know I'm not. I just like to make jokes, mainly because you can see my ribs. Oh the irony. "Dude, you are not fat."

"I knowwwwwww." I sat up and leaned over him, grabbing my phone then sitting back up straight.

"Keegan texted you a few hours ago."

"Eight a.m. to eleven p.m. is not a few hours my friend. And how would you know?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"I saw the notification when you first got it." He laughed at me.

"Ohhhhh, okay." I checked the text, just to make sure everything was okay.

Hey Mew, everything going alright?

Okay, he just wanted to know if I was okay.

Yeah, why? What'd you do and how much stuff was lost.

Keegan has a nasty habit of screwing up a few household things, but I still love him for the brother he is.

"What'd he want?"

"He was just checking in on me." I looked up at him, "Y'know, making sure that we hadn't started making out or anything."

"What?" He looked at me with wide eyes, causing me to burst out laughing. "What's so funny, Mew?"

"That look on...your face..was priceless." I breathes my words in between my laughter. He always know how to make me laugh even when it wasn't on purpose.

"What is it with you and my beautiful face?"

I stopped laughing almost immediately and looked at him with all my amusement caged by seriousness, "Say what now?" But my seriousness wasn't strong enough to hold back all the laughter that was trying to break through, thus causing me to burst out laughing again.

"Geeeeeeeez..." He laughed quietly, "I think there's something wrong with you."

It took me a bit, but I gradually stopped laughing. "Well duh, did you just figure that out?"

"No not really. I knew it ever since I spotted eyes on that red hair of yours." He smiled and started playing with my hair, making me realize that I had successfully changed the subject off of good.

"Actually, in first grade my hair was pastel pink. Don't you remember?"

"Of course I do, but you've had red hair longer and that's your natural hair color now."

"Yeah yeah, Mr. Geek, don't hurt yourself."

"I could say the same to you."

"A lady doesn't start a fight, but she sure can finish it." I stated, stifling a laugh.

"You're a lady??" He looked at me in fake but amusing shock.

"Pffft, you wish." I laughed looking at him, "You'd get into a lady's pants before you got into mine. Just because a lady cares about whether or not she has her v-card before the end of highschool."

"I thought you lost your v-card to some senior when we were sophomores?" He looked at me suspiciously.

"What the hell makes you think that?!" I looked at him, a mix of emotions overwhelming me. That had to do with the rumor that was started about me kissing Hailey's boyfriend.

Now he bursted out laughing, "The look on....your...face was..priceless!" He said in between words, not bothering to breathe.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I sat on him, "You're just a jerk."

He looked at me in all seriousness, but it was fake seriousness. "Am not."

"Are to."

And yet again, we argued like this for a bit.

"If I kiss you will you agree that you're a jerk?"

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"You heard me." I nodded towards him, not caring if this could potentially ruin our friendship or not.

"Uhh...what's the deal with you asking to kiss me? Huh? You finally realizing how much you looooooove me?" He laughed quietly.

"Nah, I've just noticed you trying to kiss me."

"Really? You're like my sister." He pretended to gag, "And that'd be gross."

"Yeah, okay." I moved off of his lap, it was worth a shot.

My phone went off again and I grabbed it, seeing it was Keegan texting me again.

Well I just saw Lyle's Dad at Harley's, I was curious. Anyways, I'm going on a date soon. So don't try to come home

Alright Mr. BadBoy. Will do

I love you, Mew

I love you too Keegan


Two weeks had passed and we were back in school. Nothing interesting had happened between me and Lyle other than the fact that I forgot my contacts, again. So now I was working on my revenge plan, it would obviously need a guy, and Lyle running in on us kissing or something like that.

"Look who it is." I heard an unwelcoming voice sneer.

"I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover." I said plainly, closing my locker only to reveal a lonely Francis. "What do you want toothpick?"

"Hey, you're a toothpick too. Ms. I'mGoingtoStarveMyself."

"Shut the fuck up, Francis. You're not intimidating."

"Speaking of dating." Francis spoke softer than usual.

This douche was not about to ask me out. I turned to face him, my face probably in a very unpleasing form due to my shock. "Uhh, what?"

Before I could say or do anything else, he leaned forward and placed his lips against mine. Holy fucking shit. I heard someone's else footsteps coming over to us, lord, please don't let it be the principal. I don't need to get into trouble for PDA in school, again.

We All Have Our Scarsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें