Chapter 20 - That's My Business

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☢☣☢Mew's P.O.V.☣☢☣

So first I have no hope, then Lyle finds out about my selfharm, he kisses me, we go home with me passed out, then Lyle and I basically started making out, Keegan walks in, and now their outside talking. Geez. Like I said, day of ups and downs. I wonder where we're at right now...for me? I'm still kinda up, that was awesome. I don't care how quick that seemed, it was pleasuring. For Lyle? Probably a down...who knows what they're talking about!

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the door open and saw Lyle step in, closing the door gently behind him and turning to me. A faint blush was still across his cheeks, hinting that Keegan was up to something. Ugh...brothers..

I sat up, watching him questioningly. "What'd he talk to you about?"

"Uhhh...well," He spoke slowly as he thought out the words and walked over to the bed, sitting down. "He was just letting me know that he was going out for a few hours with Adri." He smiled quite nervously, but tried hard to hide it. Which he's not good at.

"Alright, but what else? Lyle, you were blushing. What'd he say?" I scooted closer and poked his cheek as I grinned humorously at him.

This made him blush more, but chuckle slightly. "Whatever..." I heard him mumble under his breathe before he turned back to me, "He was joking...I'm assuming, but he said that if I...erm..."

Getting impatient, I interrupted him. "He what? Lyle! Open up!"

This made him chuckle, "He said if I planned, I needed protection and should make sure no one was home." He spoke quite quickly, but me being me, caught every bit of it. Why in the world would he think that?! We just got together, and that's not even the case! We're basically just friends with slight benefits...sorta.

"Uh..." I burst out laughing before I could finish; yeah, I'm flabbergasted. But it's also really funny. "Okay then..." I continued to laugh, causing him to laugh with me.

After a bit I slowly stopped laughing and turned to him, "Well anyways...there's some stuff we should talk about..."

He nodded understandingly and pulled me into his lap cautiously, causing me to straddle him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Alright, shoot." He smirked slightly at my sudden burst of slight nervousness. I wasn't nervous because I had never straddled someone before or something, because I have (but that's my business), nah; it was because I wasn't certain about this. What were we to each other? I guess I'll start with seems like the perfect moment, right?

"Well...first of all..." I paused and looked down at our bodies which were inches apart. "What's all.." I looked up at him, "this?" I gestured to ourselves. "What are we to each other? Really close best friends? Friends with slight benefits..?"

He kinda looked at me questioningly, then a look of realization spread across his face before he looked up, then gently moved me off of his lap. I watched as he stood, then paced slightly before turning to me and gesturing me to get up as well. I followed his gesture and stood slowly and unsurely; what the hell is he up to now?

"Well...Mewlyn..Kylie..Jones," he paused hesitantly as he knelt to one god..OVERDRAMATIC BRO. "Will you give me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" He took my hand in his, grinning sheepishly.

I turned away as if I had to think, then casually sat on his propped leg and looked at him, smiling playfully. "Of course, Lyle James Williams. I will gladly be your girlfriend."


Hey! I wrote this in about a hour or two so it may have some typos or something. I recently added two new books. 'Journal of a Sweet Disaster' and 'There's No Such Thing As A Devil and An Angel'. I'd appreciate it if you'd check them out :D comment and vote if you liked this chapter!

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