Chapter 5 - That's too long

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I had my earbuds in, listening to Linkin Park. I knew Lyle's favorite spot in the park, well. It wasn't really the park, it was off to the side; by the river. I walked over in that direction, mouthing the words. I looked around, then noticed Lyle kissing this girl with white hair. She looked like a ghost, was I just imagining this?

I watched as they kissed, and slowly departed. I could feel the anger rising in my body. That was supposed to be me sitting there beside him; gazing into his soft blue eyes and leaning forward for a kiss. I hated seeing this, but I wasnt going to draw attention to myself. I hid behind a bush and watched them.

"You're so cute, Maple." I heard Lyle whisper to her as he kissed her cheek, causing blood to run to her cheeks and cause her pale cheeks to turn a deep pink. At least I could take a compliment without turning into a strawberry.

God, I'd love to be kissed by him and complimented. I picked myself up and snuck over to the playground area of the park. I guess I'll just wait here until they're done making out. I was going to get revenge on him, but revenge is a dish best served cold. For now? I'll just act as if I didn't see a thing. I sat down on the swing and zoned out.

A few minutes later I felt someone start to push me on the swing, I snapped into reality, "Hey Lyle."

"Hey Mew-Two, how long have you been sitting here?"

"I don't know, few minutes?" I said more as a question as I shrugged.

"Well," He said as he lifted me off of the swing, "I think that's too long. How about we slide a bit?" He carried me over to the slides as I laughed slightly.


"Are you sure you're okay? It looks quite painful, Mew."

I pulled my ankle away from him, I had twisted my ankle while running away from Lyle. "I'm fine, Lyle. I can still move it and everything."

"I'm still going to carry you, just in case." He lifted me off of the park bench, jealousy rose in my body as I thought about earlier.

"Did you carry ghosty like this?" I accidentally blurted out. Oh crap.

"What?" He looked at me confused and slightly frightened, as if he had just seen a ghost.


"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, you must be hearing things."

He nodded slightly, I don't understand why, but that always seemed to work.

He set me down in the passengers side of his truck. Consfused, I spoke up. "What're you doing? I live right down the road."

"I know, but I was talking with Keegan. You're gonna spend the night at my place because he has work tonight. We're gonna go by your house so you can get your school stuff." He walked around to the drivers side and got in.

"Oh, okay." I swear, my heart just dropped into my stomach. With me spending the night there, he could potentially find out about my selfharm. It's bad enough I have a few burns on my face. I always lied and said I lost grip of the straightener. Being the trusting person he is, he believes me every time.


The car ride was awkward, I didn't say or do anything. I just stared out the window as usual. I sometimes looked over at him, but I didn't stare. I didn't want it to be anymore akward than it was.

Once we got to his house I went straight to his room and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a long sleeve t-shirt. This should cover everything up, I hope.

"Mew hurry up!"

"I've only been in your room for like a minute or two." I laughed as I changed into the clothes.

"I'm coming in!" He started opening the door.

"Lyle! I'm changing!" I pulled up the pants and threw on the shirt.

He laughed, "We've seen each other nude before." He looked at me, "Who said you could wear that?"

"When we were little! And I did, it's really comfortable!" I smiled and ran down the hall.

"You shouldn't be running on that ankle Mew!" He called and ran after me.

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