Chapter 7 - It's not my fault

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Pizza King pizza is the best, they also have the best ranch dressing. All together we are 2 1/2 pizzas and 4 containers of their ranch dressing. I know I shouldn't be eating so much, considering the fact that you could see my ribs, but I couldn't let them know I was trying to starve myself. Even though I'm pretty sure James already knew.

"Oh my gosh, I feel bloated." I groaned as I stood up and carried my plate into the kitchen with Lyle following.

"Well considering you ate that much, I wouldn't be surprised." Lyle states while jumping in front of me and taking my plate then throwing them in the trash.

"Well considering I ate more than you, yeah. I'm not surprised either." I laughed and headed back into the living room.

He laughs and follows, "I've got to keep my muscles, you know that. Abs don't just magically appear after eating a whole pizza!" He lifts up his shirt, exposing his amazingly beautiful and sexy abs.

"I think you're good." I laugh slightly, trying to avoid the lovely sight of his abs and chest.

"C'mon, feel them. They're harder than ever."

"I don't think that's the only thing that's hard." I laugh and look at him.

He blushes faintly, but takes my hand and places it on his abs before I can do anything.

God, his abs feel AMAZING. "Yep, they do feel harder than the last time you forced me to touch your abs." Laughing slightly, I try to ignore the fact that he's starting to turn me on.

Smirking slightly, he lets my hand go, "Yeahhhh, but y'know you like it."

"Nuh uh."

"Yuh huh."

And it went on like that for awhile before James got a little fed up and came in there, "I get that you guys like flirting with each other, but seriously, go to your room or please stop it."

"WHAT?!" I yelled; I do not like Lyle, and if I do he certainly will not know about it. Especially after his little kiss with ghosty.

"Dad! We do not like each other!" I heard Lyle say as he interupted my thoughts.

James smirked, "Mewy never denied it."

"I do not..." I paused for dramatic effect, " him!" And raised my voice a bit at the end to make it clear to both of them.

"Mmhhmm." James hummed, "I'll believe it when y'all get into an actual fist fight."

I paused, now that was a challange I was willing to take. I looked over at Lyle who was already looking at me, shaking his head no like a little school boy.

"That can be arranged." I hissed playfully, yet evilly before jumping at Lyle, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Mew!" He raised his voice as I started punching his chest as hard as I could, "Ow! Stop it!"

"Children!" James shouted, making me stop instantly, "Stop flirting and get your asses in that room!" I could tell he had been drinking, so could Lyle. So we both got up and ran to his room, which is called our room when I'm over since we usually sleep together; in a friendly or sibling way of course.

~~~Lyle's P.O.V.~~~

I hate it when my dad drinks, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. So we ran to our room, ending her raging fists that were rampaging at my chest. She's a lot stronger than she seems, so it did hurt a bit, but not as much as I made it out to be. I can still feel where she had her hands on my abs, and man, did it feel awesome. It got a bit awkward because it kinda turned me on, but I'm sure she didn't notice since she was too busy making fun of me. I love it when she does that..

"Mew you pissed him off again." I said in a hushed whisper as I closed the door behind myself.

"It's not my fault." She pouted, crossing her arms while sitting on the bed. She's so cute when she acts like a little kid.

"Is to."

"Is not."

We went back and forth for awhile, until she grabbed a pillow and hit me with it repetitively, making me stop then grab another pillow and whack her back. So then we had a pillow fight.

"I win!" I shouted, causing her to stop hitting me.

"Nuh uh, you stopped hitting me, therefor I win." While she was distracted I hit her with the pillow then pushed her down onto the bed and sat on her, straddling her just above her hips.

"I win." I state yet again.

"Whatever, cheater." I heard her mumble under her breath after scoffing.

"Nuh uh." I argue, laying on her limply.

"Lyyyllllle." She whines while squirming.

"Whaaaaaaat." I whine back, mocking her.

"Get off."


"Why not?"

"Because you're squishy."

"That would be my boobs, Lyle."

"Yeah I know, I like boobs." I laugh slightly, "Just not yours." I lie as I sit up. I love her boobs, they're big and plump. Even though they're only 34C's; don't ask how I know that.

"Thank you, now get off of my fully." She squirms a bit more.

"I don't think I will." I say softly as I lean down again, thinking about kissing her. I know there's a tint in my eyes that say I might, it's kinda like lust, but not exactly that. I lean down further, about to close the gap between us.

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