Chapter 14 - Being discreet

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This day was just dandy, first Francis kissed me, then blamed it on me, then I got sent to an asylum because of my brother, and now I'm locked up in a room wearing a straitjacket and a muzzle so I can't talk or bite them...yeah. I bit them, and I'll bite you too. I swear, she started the fight. I don't care if I broke her rib, wrist, ankle, and almost killed her, she threatened me and you don't threaten me unless you have a frickin death wish.

The first thing I'm doing when I get home is beating up Keegan. He's the biggest asshole I've ever met except for...a few exes...and the bullies in the school. So he's not the first, but definitely not the last. It's always cheery to think about that, right? No, not right. I don't think anything is cheery anymore, not getting to play with Pudge (my cat), eating, sleeping, listening to music, going swimming, reading, drawing, nothing. It's all hopeless, I'm just a nuisance and I belong here. They don't feed you that much, so I'll just starve I guess. Plus insomnia...I'll suffer just like I should.

The hell am I saying? I'm going to get out of here and beat Keegan's ass. Right, now I just need to figure out how. Every month they let you out with the others...a month is too long...oh well. I go with that.

~~Almost a month later~~

Longest month ever...I got a meal every day, including a meat and cheese sandwich, and a small cup of water. It was enough to give me enough strength to get out, so I was now running home as a fox. Lucky for me, no ones paying attention. I was looking around when, BAM! I ran into someone's ankles, and it didn't feel good for my part.

"Misty? What're you doing away from home? I'm sure Keegan won't be happy you got out. C'mon." That familiar voice drifted through my ears and to my brain, filling my soul with the tiniest bit of light.

I looked up at Lyle and barked cheerfully, this would be an easier way to get home while being discreet. He picked me up and we were on our way.


"Stsss, Mew. Wake up." I could faintly hear this voice, speaking a bit dully, but I could make out a hint of excitement.

I pulled myself awake and looked around; I was at home on Keegan's bed. Why was-right, Lyle brought me home. I looked at Keegan, who was staring at me intently, as if I was going to kill him in the split second I shifted back into a human.

"How did you get Lyle to bring you home? Does he know about all this? Did you tell him? How did you get free? Mew? Are you listening?" I watched him as he blabbered on and on, I just staring at him like he was stupid, thinking about when I was going to be able to speak. "Mew?"

"Can I finally speak now?" I looked at him with a sarcastic shocked look on my face.

He laughed, "Yes Mew, I giveith thou permission to open thy mouth and allow noises that come together to create sounds that we call words."

I laughed,"I didn't know you were that smart! Anyways, I ripped the strait jacket, and they brought volunteers. One of them didn't know that they weren't supposed to open the door, step in, and watch me whilst leaving the door opened. So I knocked 'em out and did the same with the rest of the people in the there. On a totally unrelated note, don't check the obituaries for awhile."

I watched him as he took a second, then pulled me into one of his legendary bear hugs where it's impossible to even move. Fortunately for me, I also have a legendary hug; so I wrapped my arms around his torso and gave a big squeeze.

"Okay okay, lemme go." He wheezed with an exasperated breath.

'Maaaayyyyyybe a biiiit longer?" I questioned humorously, then let him go."I love you, bubba."

"I love you too Mewy."

"Why don't you call me sissy anymore?" I pouted,trying to spirt a little guilt from him, when in reality I wanted him to drown in guilt! Ummm...ignore that last part, or, at least don't tell him.

He just shrugged, laughing slightly, "It's not mature enough for you."

I laughed, 'bubba' isn't exactly mature either. "Well, then you should rethink your nickname." I walked out of his room, down the hallway, and into my room.

"You're the one that came up with it!" He shouted, not following me.

Assuming the conversation was over, I closed my door, and changed into my pj's when there was a knock on the door; we just finished a conversation. What does Keegan want now?


Hey!!! I haven't been on for like the whole summer! I'm sorry guys😓 I got braces at the end of July, had to get ready for school, I just spent a week at my best friends house (@TristanDuren), just got my second ear piercings, got more layers in my hair, and we've been going clothes shopping for school. Also I've been going through a lot of issues, and i'm deciding to change a whole stinking lot about myself. I've been stressing over my girlfriend a bit, so that's another reason why I haven't been on and why I'm changing. So yeah...oh! I'm also getting a Macbook for school sometime in September so I think that might help a bit...ummm...I'm open to ideas, comments, requests, stuff like that.

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