Chapter 17 - I love you

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~~Lyle's P.O.V.~~

I leaned down and slowly closed the gap between Maple and I, her lips were soft and sweet. I knew that she wouldn't want to kiss any deeper, so I just kept it nice and soft; which in all honesty, felt nice. After a few seconds my phone vibrated, notifying me of a text. It was five vibrations indicating that it was Mew. Knowing that Mew was coming to the park, I slowly departed from the kiss and was about to look at the text when out of my peripheral vision, I saw a figure standing beside the tree. I knew it was Mew because her hair stood out like an apple in a group of bananas. I looked over, seeing her bright beautiful smile. I would've loved to enjoy this smile if it wasn't ruined by the gash on her leg that caught my attention. I quickly moved my eyes down to the gash only to notice many other deep cuts and a thick bruise.

I stared for a second, then quickly jumped up from the ground and moved my way over as I noticed the rest of her body covered in bandages along with her hand being torn up, fresh too. What the hell is going on?

"Mew what happened?!!" I questioned alarmingly as I knelt down to the gash and torn bandages, along with all the cuts and the bruise. Was this all selfharm..? How long has this been going on? How come I didn't know? God I'm one horrible friend.

I stood and looked at her and into her eyes only to see tears threatening to spill from her stunning violet eyes. She was truly beautiful, but looking into her eyes, she looked broken. I pulled her into a hug causing her to tense, but soon relax and nuzzle her head into my chest.

Holding her and stroking her hair, I figured that this would be a good time to talk. "Mewy what's wrong...?" I looked over at Maple as I ask to see how she is and I see her texting someone, I assume it's her brother because I know he was coming in the next thirty minutes or so.

I turn back to Mew and pick her up bridal style to be met by the fearful and pained look in her eyes, "Wh-what are you doing..?"

"I'm going to take you to the hospital, you need to get that gash looked at so it doesn't get infected and to see if you need stitches."

I turned towards where I was sitting with Maple as Mew pushes out of my grip, "N-no! No doctor, no going to any medical place to get medical help." Her voice was shaky as she knelt down and messed with the bandages.

"Mewlyn Kylie Jones. What the hell is going on?" I demand; I know I shouldn't be so stiff since I'm just doing a bit of assuming, but that's the only way to get her to talk.

I was wrong though; she stood and turned away, keeping her face hidden, "Lyle I'm fine. Go back to your girlfriend, I shouldn't have interrupted. I'll talk to you later."

She started to talk, but I grabbed her arm gently, since I know there's selfharm on her arm by the bandages. I turn her back to me only to reveal tears streaming down her face, she may seem strong, and she is; but she's not afraid to cry when she really needs to. That's what makes her stronger.

She looks down and place my thumb and index finger on her chin and lift gently so she's looking at me, I swear if Maple wasn't right there, I'd honestly kiss Mew. Despite the kissing, Maple and I aren't in a relationship, we're just acquaintances. "Maple's brother is coming to pick her up soon and he's really overprotective, I want you to stay back a bit so no one gets hurt. Alright? Afterwards we'll go to your house and talk."

I looked over at Maple as I was talking to Mew and she was watching us adoringly, I wonder if she knows I I looked back at Mew and she was looking around again, and when she noticed I was looking at her she nodded and looked back at me, "I'll stay up in the tree..."

Her voice was soft and a bit raspy, I think this's the first time she's been quiet. I kissed her head and whispered softly into her hair, "I love you, Mew."

I know she doesn't believe me, because when I did that she nodded and walked over to the tree, climbing up in it.

Sighing, I walked back over to Maple and sat beside her, I apologized, speaking slowly so she could read my lips. We ended up having a conversation about how she could tell I liked Mew, and that Mew had feelings for me. I apologized again, but she said it was fine. Apparently she had been "cheating" on me, or something. I guess I could understand, we weren't a couple anyways.

Soon enough Maple jumped from a tap on her shoulder, startling me a bit too. I looked over and saw her brother standing there with a smile playing at his lips, but I could see the concern in his eyes. I stood, helping Maple up. I then looked up at Maxwell Marq, the pale, white haired, muscular, 7' man of a nineteen year old. Yeah, he's pretty scary.

I smiled, "Hello Max.."

"Hey" he ignored me and turned to Maple, using sign language to communicate, which I don't understand sign language so he spoke along.

"Are you ready? Did you fun?"

"Yes Max, I did. Lyle's a really good friend. May I continue to see him?"

When she asked this, he turned to me and smiled, then nodded and turned back to her, "Of course, Missy. Anything for you." He gave her a kiss on the head and she latched onto his arm.

"I'll see you later, Lyle."

I looked at Max and nodded, "You as well." I turned to Maple, "Take care." I smiled, her smiling back.

"B-Bye, Lyle!" Maple called out as they started walking off, I waved then nonchalantly turned to the tree in which Mew was hopefully still in. My hopes were confirmed when she climbed down from the tree and slowly turned to face me, but yet again keeping her head down.

"Mewy..." I cooed sympathetically to her, trying to get her attention. As planned, she slowly lifted her head and looked at me, her broken and lonely, but silent cry finally reaching my ears. I knew what had to be done.

I moved closer to her, "I've said it many times, but I'll say it again." I slowly leaned down so I could feel her breath meet mine in a hot feel. "I love you." I whispered as I closed the gap between us, our lips meeting.

I had to admit myself to her.

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