Chapter 4 - Just imagining

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Weeks have passed since Lyle found out about the fight. The project was boring, dragged on, nothing special. Sure, I realized that he may make a good husband. If he'd kiss me. I finally came with the realization that I liked him. A lot. I guess today I'd meet him at the park and subtly drop hints. I honestly have nothing to lose, other than him of course. So, I could potentially screw this up.

Sunday morning, how I love them. Everyone's at church, so I don't have to deal with them. Lyles not that religious, and Keegan and I could be devil worshipers for all he could know. We're not, but we're not all head over heels about God either. I decided to text Lyle and see where he was.

Hey, where you be? .3.

I waited for a reply, I decided I should take a shower. Considering I got pretty sweaty last night, doing a few work outs to keep my body strong.

While washing my hair I heard my phone go off, I rinsed my hair and reached over and out of the shower to the table I keep beside it. I picked up my phone and looked at it.

I'm headed to the park, why? :p

I was just wondering, I was bored so I was gonna see if you were doing anything. I see you are.. .-.

Oh, well how about we meet at the park in hour and a half? :3


No response after that. I was curious about why we couldn't meet up right now. I finished my shower then got dressed in a long sleeve Jack the Skeleton shirt from The Nightmare Before Christmas, it kinda hung off my shoulders. I love that movie so much, I used to watch it nonstop. I slipped on a pair of baggy jeans, then put on a pair of converse. I brushed out my hair then put on one of those beanies that sagged a bit.

~~Lyle's P.O.V.~~

I was headed to the park for a date. Her name was Maple, she was real cute and short. She was also deaf, so she's teaching me some sign language. She's really quiet and shy, so that'd be something to get used to. Mew's always been loud and outgoing, except for lately. She's been quite anti-social. I was surprised she'd texted me. I was worried that she'd show up at the park or something, but I trusted that she'd come when I told her.

"L-Lyle?" A faint and quiet voice stuttered.

I turned around and saw a petite Maple, "Oh hey Maple." I gave her a soft smile and spoke slowly. "You ready for our picnic?"

She nodded and smiled shyly. She was too cute. I took her hand and kissed it, causing her to blush deeply. I then led her to a spot by the river.

"I-It's really nice out h-here." She softly whispered.

I smiled at her, unable to hold in all my emotions. Her cuteness was just overwhelming. I laid out the blanket and sat with her.


About an hour had passed and we were really enjoying ourselves. I managed to learn a few more words in sign language and I made her laugh.

"L-Lyle? Why are y-you staring at me like that..?" She spoke softly and shifted uncomfortably.

I realized I had zoned out while looking at her, god this was awkward now. "Oh, sorry. I was just admiring you." Good save Lyle.

"O-oh..okay." She blushed and watched me. I slowly let my gaze wander to her eyes. I noticed she had yellowish green eyes, and when the light hit them just right-beautiful...the colors deepened and it felt like we were hypnotized by each other's gaze. I slowly leaned down, waiting to see if she'd move away. Sheen just watched me, blushing. I took this as my approval and leaned further, kissing her softly.

~~Mew's P.O.V.~~

I had my earbuds in, listening to Linkin Park. I knew Lyle's favorite spot in the park, well. It wasn't really the park, it was off to the side; by the river. I walked over in that direction, mouthing the words. I looked around, then noticed Lyle kissing this girl with white hair. She looked like a ghost, was I just imagining this?


I know this one was short, but I thought it would be good to end it right there to leave a cliff hanger ;D

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