Chapter 8 - Stutter and wheeze

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~~~Mew's P.O.V.~~~

I saw him leaning down, and I knew exactly what he was gonna do. Lyle James Williams was about to kiss me. As much as I'd love to kiss him, I couldn't let that happen, I have to play hard to get and I also need to get revenge on him, even though I know that's not good revenge. I'll get another plan. I reached over and grabbed a pillow, making sure he didn't notice, then whacked him as hard as I could with the pillow.

"Haha! Sucker!" I yell as I scoot away from him.

"You little...what was that for?" He glared at me.

I just shrugged, not wanting to admit that Lyle may have just attempted to kiss me. "Felt like it."

He nodded slightly then laid back, "I think we should get to bed, so we can get up in the morning for school."

"It's only 8 p.m. Lyle." I laughed, "You nerd."

"Thank you."

"Wait, isn't it Thanksgiving break?"


"Wow Lyle." I said as I leaned over him, to flirt with him a bit, "Let's play some video games!"

"Alright alright." He chuckled, "Halo?"

"Yeah, yeah." I nodded quickly before jumping up and hopping over to the Xbox 360 and turning it on.

"Mew be careful please." He sat up.

"I will, I will." I rolled my eyes.


"Haha! I win again!" I shout in victory.

"Mew be quiet! It's 1 in the morning." Lyle said in a hushed whisper.

"Okay, well, you don't have to be that quiet." I laugh slightly.

"Yeah, I know." Lyle laughs back.

I yawn, "C'mon, let's go to bed."

"Alright Mewy." He turns off the Xbox 360 then picks me up bridal style and carries me over to the bed.

I like it when he carries me so I just curl up and nuzzle my head into his chest, having to resist the urge to purr. I know I'm a fox and all, but my mom was a witch and a cat, while my dad was a wolf. The mix of canine and feline caused me to be a fox, with a touch of witch. So I have the ability to purr, but I've never tried to meow. He lays on the bed, with me still curled up.

"Good night Mewy." He whispers down into my ear as I drift off into sleep.


I woke up at about 6:30 in the morning, about to puke. I tried to sit up, but Lyle's grip was tighter than ever.

"Ly-Lyle." I whisper loudly, if that makes sense. No answer. "Lyle." I saw louder. Still no answer. "Lyle!" I say louder.

"Mmm...what..." He finally starts walking up.

"Lyle I'm about to puke. Let me go."

"What? You're what?" He opens his eyes instantly, starting to sit up.

"Just let me go. Now."

He nods slightly and let's me go. I limp out of the room and into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet, I puke up last nights pizza; and trust me, it doesn't taste as good coming back up.

"Mew..? Are you okay?" I hear Lyle, but I'm too focused on puking into the toilet to answer. I mean, seriously, what do you expect me to say? 'Yeah, I'm just in here puking. Perfectly fine bro, don't worry.' Seriously.

I feel him start rubbing my back, and I show respect to that. Being able to sit there while someone's puking, and not puke yourself while they're right there. In front of you. And you're touching them. Amazing. I puke for about another minute, before I finally finish with a few coughs and lift my head.

"You good now..? That's probably all you are last night."

"Y-Yeah...I'm probably gonna take a shower.." I stutter and wheeze the slightest bit, I've never been good when it came to puking. When I was little I'd cry cause I thought I was gonna have to go to the doctor.

"Alright, just knock on the wall if you need me." He kisses my head and turns on the shower for me, "I'll clean it while you're in the shower, okay? The curtain isn't transparent, it's not even translucent. I promise I won't peak."

I nod, "You have to get out while I change though."

He nods understandingly and walks out, closing the door behind him.

I strip then turn on the water and get in, "I-I'm in the shower now!"

He slowly opens the door and walks in, "Alright, it's just me."

I hear the toilet flush, y'know, I don't get all the fuss about the water getting hotter. That's never happened to me, even when I didn't take steaming hot showers.

"Is the water too hot? It's steaming, a lot. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Lyle. I like taking steaming hot showers." I speak softly, but loud enough for him to hear. Luckily my cuts aren't that fresh. Since I couldn't do anything last night: it'd be too risky.

"Alright.." I hear him, a bit of concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, really."

"I know, just don't hurt yourself."

Ha. If only you knew. Actually; I don't want him to know. That'd be a disaster. I could only imagine his reaction...judging me, turning away in disgust-wait, Lyle's not like that. He'll nod his head and think about it. I hope.

After an awkward silence, I finally spoke up. "So...has your dad..y'know.."

"What? Beat me?"

I sigh, "Yeah..that..has he best you lately..?" I ask hesitantly, his dad takes a belt and beats him with the metal end, cutting and bruising up his back. I hate and I swear, someday I'm going to get back at him for it. I don't care how, but I hope it's soon.

"Not really...why?" He speaks softer and quieter, not wanting to talk about it.

"...I was just..wondering." I didn't want to hurt or discomfort him anymore, so I shut up.

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