Chapter 9: Time of Death

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Stiles, Scott, Luna and Kira went and placed their laptops on the table.

"Is four enough?" Kira asked.

Stiles shrugged. "Well, it depends on how many cameras they have but, yeah, I think so." Liam leaned in. "Are we really doing this?" Scott nodded. "We're doing it. Tonight." "But, isn't it kind of dangerous?" Liam asked them.

"Yeah, it's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic," Stiles told him. "You've done something like this before?" "Something dangerous or something idiotic?" "I think it's a bit of both," Kira piped in.

Luna saw Liam's discomfort. "You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to," she said to him. "I'm not scared." Stiles went and grasped Liam's shoulder. "Now that's borderline idiotic," he said a little fondly. But his face darkened a bit as he looked over at Scott. "Alright, if we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that right?"

"How do we even know something is definitely coming?" Kira asked them. "Because the tape from Garrett's bag said Visual Confirmation Required," Scott answered. "Yeah, Simon said the same thing. He couldn't get paid by The Benefactor until he had proof that you guys were dead." Stiles mumbled.

"So, the idea is, what if you kill someone on the Deadpool but you can't send them proof?" Scott brought up. Kira shook her head. "You don't get paid." "But how does that get us any closer to the Benefactor?" asked Liam.

"He still needs to know if the target is really dead," Luna told him. Stiles nodded. "Especially if it's someone high on the list." He then looked at Scott. "The highest on the list." 

Liam was starting to understand. "So if he wants confirmation..." "He's going to have to get it himself," Scott finished for him.

"You did tell your mom about this, right?" 

Scott sighed as he heard Stiles' question. "Yeah. She didn't take it well." "But she's still okay with this plan, right?" Scott nodded. "Yeah." "Good. Alright, we'll be back around sundown." Stiles said as he, Kira and Liam left the house.

Luna followed after the three and bid goodbyes before closing the door and looked over at her boyfriend who was lost in his thoughts.

She walked over to him and gently placed her hand on his arm. "Hey," she said as he looked up at her. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he sighed out. "Guess I'm just a little worried." "About what? The plan?" Scott nodded. "Don't worry, we got this. Everything will go accordingly to the plan tonight."

Scott went to take Luna's hand gently into his own. "Thank you."

Their fingers rubbed against each other and the two of them leaned towards each other in a small kiss. Scott then broke away after a few seconds and pulled her towards the stairs. They had some time before the pack got back and he wanted to spend it with her, alone.


Noshiko had arrived at the McCall house with Kira and Liam. 

Scott was lying on his bed as Luna, Kira, her mother and Liam were surrounding him.

Liam was starting to pace as his nerves started to tense up. "Are you guys sure about this?" Kira let out a deep breath. "Uh, I think Liam's kind of nervous. Maybe you should tell him that it's going to be alright?"

From her tone, she clearly wasn't talking about Liam.

Scott smiled at her. "It's going to be alright. Plus Luna said she's going to make sure everything goes accordingly to plan tonight," Scott said as he turned to Luna, his eyes never leaving her. Luna smiled softly at him.

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