Chapter 4-"Cling to What is Good" -Romans, 12:9

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                                                                             There is no fear in love.

                                                                            But perfect love drives out fear,

                                                                            Because fear has no punishment,

                                                                            The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

                                                                                                 -1 John 4:18.

                                                                                                 -1 John 4:18

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You're still in the hospital, the end of the treatment will be in a few weeks. Robert's still shaken with grief. He still visits you every day. He still loves you, despite all the hardships your relationship has endured. You were at Death's door, but God has saved you. Your boyfriend has saved you. Your father and brother have saved you.

I love you, Robert. I really do. You think as he comes to up to your hospital bed. 

"Hey," Robert said. "How are you doing?"

"Stronger, thanks," I said.

"You're welcome. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. I love you too much to let you go. I--I just--" I could see a tear in his eye.

"Come here," I put my arms around him, soothing him. "It's okay, sweetheart, I'm here, I'm here...God is here as well. He will help us through this. I know He will. With Him on our side, we cannot fail."

"I know...It's just hard."

"What's hard?"

"You...You're still in the hospital. Still in pain. I'm afraid you're--" He took a deep breath and calmed down. "--that you were going to die."

"Honey, I promise you I will never die without you. You know that. Wherever you go, I'm going with you." I started humming Wherever You Will Go by The Calling.

"I just don't know anymore. How long are you still cooped up in here?" Robert asked.

"Still a few weeks, like two or three. But we'll make it through. Remember 1 Peter 5:7:

                                              Cast all  your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."

"I'll try and remember that. Just remember 1 Kings 20:5:

                                              I have heard your prayers & seen your tears; 

                                                                                      I will heal you."

"Thanks, I feel better now. A little better now, anyway."

"You're welcome. And remember my mom's favorite hymns: Be Not Afraid and Blessed Art They. God always listens to your worries. Whenever you feel like you're alone, depressed, suicidal, or anything, know that He's there to care for you. He did for me." 

"Good hymns to listen to. Mine's Take and Eat and I am The Bred of Life."

A nurse popped in and told Robert to go.

"Just a few more weeks, and we'll be together like a normal couple again, hm?" Robert asked me.

"Yes, we will. I'm very happy I have you. Thank you for everything."

"You're welcome, dear. I'm glad I have you as well. Until tomorrow, honey."

"Until tomorrow, sweetheart."

Announcement: This book has reached 85 reads & 44 votes! Thank you so, so much for all your support. It means so much to me.

Questions: What do you want to happen next?

When do you think Rachael will get out of the hospital?

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