Chapter 5-Final Days at the Hospital

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"Don't panic because I am with you. There is no need to fear, for I am your God. I'll give you strength. I'll help you. I'll hold you steady. Keep a firm grip on you." -Isiah 41:10.


Rays of sunshine are pouring through your window on a beautiful Saturday morning. Your dad and brother, as well as your boyfriend, are sitting near you, waiting for you to wake up. 

"How many days until I can go home?" You ask.

A nurse comes in. The same nurse that helped you in here. "How many days until I can go home?"

"A few days. Your treatment's almost up, Rachael." The nurse explains.

Yes, now I can finally get out of here. After two whole months of inpatient hospitalization, I'm nearly free. You think.


"You're nearly there," Dad says. "Mom would've been so proud of you, honey. I'm proud of the young woman you've become."

"Thanks, Dad," I say, sitting up in bed. "I wish I could tell her how I feel, though."

"You can. She's up there."

He pointed to the ceiling, and I got befuddled.

I tilted my head and wondered what he was talking about, and then I figured out: he means Heaven. My mind's still a little foggy from being medications.

"She'll be here until Tuesday." The nurse replied, interrupting my train of thought.

"Oh, thank goodness," I said, feeling relieved. "Thank you so much for your help."

"You're very welcome." The nurse fluffed my pillow and I sat up. "I never thought you'd be in treatment for two months."

 "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Most patients stay in here for a number of months, sometimes three or four."

"Wow. What's the gender that anorexia attacks?"

"Females, ninety-fiver percent, with men at five," the nurse replied. "Do you know anyone else with this disease?"

"No," I replied. "Not that I know of."

"Good. Most people relapse."


"Yes, it's very sad. I have to go now. Remember, visiting hours end in a few minutes."

"I will. Thank you so very much for helping through this." I said to Robert. Taking his hand, I kissed it. "It really means a lot to me that you stayed with me for two years and five months, but especially through my mom's death and now me, almost dying myself, thank you very much. I'm very grateful to have a boyfriend like you."

"We have to go now, honey." Dad said. "I'm glad you're coming home soon." 

"Me too. I'm very glad you're nearly there. I'm very proud of you." Robert congratulated me.


I went to bed shortly after, because I was very tired from group therapy. I thanked Him for keeping me alive. Being alive is what counts. Make life the way you want it, not telling anyone else how to live their or your life. It's yours. Life's a gift given from God (or whichever you believe in) and we should be thankful for that. I know I am.

Author's Note-88 reads so far! Only 12 more reads until 100 reads! Thank you for taking an interest in this book.

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