Chapter 19-Road to Recovery

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Songs of the chapter:

Hurt-Christina Augilera.

In The Arms of An Angel-Sarah McLachlan.

Quote of the chapter

"I learned that I may never be completely cured, that this disease doesn't always go away. It's kind of lurking around...but that's alright. Because I'm stronger than it is. I know I can make it. I now have the strength to save myself. Really, that's the most important thing I've learned. It's the most important thing any of us can learn."  -Tracey Gold as Nancy Walsh in the 1994 movie, For The Love of Nancy.

I've got to have the strength, I thought. To save myself. I know I can do this. 

"Rachael," Robert said. "You okay?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine." I stuttered.

"You look pale. Maybe go home."

"I can't miss another day of school. Weston Heights University's going to be here at James Madison any minute now. I want to get in."

"No, Rachael, go home. Rest. Recover."


I walked towards the doors at James Madison and went home. I'm so relieved that the meeting went well with the principal. I thought. I should go home and rest. Maybe check up on Dad and Steven.

I rushed to St. May's Hospital.

"How is he?" I asked Doctor Jacobson.

"He's going to be all right." Doctor Jacobson said. "He's going to pull through. He's also been getting cards like crazy." He pointed to the amounts of packages and letters on his bedside.

"Thank you, God," I praised. "Oh, wow, I see." I picked up some letters. 

I opened one. It said:

Dear George,

I hope you're feeling better soon. Steven's safe with us. He's getting along with Victoria quite nicely. Stay strong.

Love from Naomi

Who is Naomi? And how did she know Steven? Must be my aunt, I thought. I'll ask when he's better. I also need to find out who Sophia Marx is. I have a lot to do.

"Are you okay?" Nurse Veronica asked. "You look a little pale."

"Me? I-I'm fine," I stuttered. I'm fine. One of the biggest lies a girl can ever say. "Really."

"Are you sure? You look a little pale. Go to a doctor. Please." Nurse Veronica reassured.

"Alright. I'll go. Thanks, Nurse--"

"Veronica. Julia Veronica."

"Thanks, Nurse Veronica. Bye."


Great, I now have to go to the doctor, I thought.

I phoned in to Doctor Dayton's office.

"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment," I said. "Right away, please. It's an emergency."

"Alright," The receptionist said. "I have Monday 1:30 available."

Oh, crap, that's during school, I thought. 

"I can't. I have school then." I pondered for a few minutes. "How about after 2:30? I get out of school then."

"Yes, 2:30's great. See you then. Don't be late."

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