Chapter 14-"Where Has The Time Gone?"

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Song for this chapter: 

Where Has The Time Gone?  -Wang Zhengliang.

Lyrics (translated by Hugh Greg)

The old tree before the door has grown new shoots.

The dead tree in the yard is blooming again,

I've held on to so many words over a lifetime,

Stored them in a head of white hair.

In my memory, a girl with little feet,

And a chubby little mouth.

I gave her my love for a lifetime.

All for the sound of "mum" and "dad".

Where has the time gone?

I haven't yet enjoyed youth and I'm already old.

Raising sons and daughters for a lifetime.

My mind is full of children crying and laughing.

Where has the time gone?

I still haven't taken care of you properly, and my eyes are already failing,

Daily necessities for a lifetime,

In the blink of an eye, all that's left is a face full of wrinkles.


I miss you, Mom and Dad, especially you, Mom. I thought. I keep on thinking of you. I can't stop thinking about you. How sweet you were to me and Ben, and how you were very caring to us, especially to Dad. I wish we can be together again--a big, happy family again--but I now know that's not true, that we won't be until we're reunited in Heaven. I think about you so much. Dad as well. I wish you were here. I need you here. Without you, I feel lost. Like I'm unlovable. Robert helps in every way that he can, but I need a mother's love and a boyfriend's, along with a Dad's. I want us to go back to normal, like we were four months ago. It's been over one hundred days, and it still feels like yesterday--your death. I miss you so much.

"Honey?" Robert asked, interrupting my thoughts. "Time to go to group therapy."

"Thank you so much, Robert." I said. "For taking intense care of me and being the best boyfriend ever."

"You're welcome. What were you thinking about?" He helped me up.

"Mom and Dad. Mostly Mom, though."

"Steven's here if you want to see him after therapy."

"That'd be nice."

                                                                                            *After therapy*

"Hey, buddy," I said. "How are you doing?"

Steven welled up with tears. "I miss you and Dad so much. When are you coming home? I don't like living with Grandma and Grandpa. I'd rather live with you and Dad."

"I miss you too. Hang in there. I'll be out soon."

I sat up and Steven hugged me tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

After Steven left to go Grandma's and Grandpa's house, I had a thought. I told Robert about the letter I found in the attic.

"Really? Your Dad cheated on your Mom? Sounds juicy."

"No, he never cheated, at least I don't think so. Anyway, I found some old letters by someone named Joann Park and I need to track her down."

"Sounds good by me. As soon as you get done your treatment."

"Of course. That's the shrewd thing to do." I joked.

"Only six more weeks, right, until you're out of this hospital?"

"I might get out sooner or later. These past few weeks have been rough." I saw a nurse walking by. Nurse Barron was her name. 

"Nurse Barron, when may I get out of this hospital?" 

"Let's about six weeks." Nurse Barron replied.

"May I get out sooner, like if I reach my goal weight, then may I please get out of here?"

"Yes, the sooner you reach your target weight, the better."

"Thank you, Nurse Barron."

"You're welcome, Miss Winters.

A/N-I've decided to lengthen this chapter because the past few weeks, the chapters have been really short. I apologize for that. 

Yay, Rachael gets out of the hospital soon! And she finally goes to school the next school year--part time, in case she has a relapse. 

What do you think of this chapter? Please let me know. 

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Stay tuned for another exciting chapter of Skinny! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments.

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