Chapter 7-"Rejoice & Be Glad" -Pslam 118:24

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"Fear not, for I am with you." -Isiah, 41:10.

You're out of the hospital now, recovering. You get a text from your friend, Ally Thomas, saying:

A: Hey, hope u're doing better!

You respond:

R: I'm out of the hospital.

Suddenly, a voice is talking to you.

"Rachael, how are you doing?"

"G-good," Rachael says, stunned, not sure what to say due to being in the hospital for so long.

"Remember me?" He takes my hand. A sweet, and calming gesture.

"Robert? I'm so happy to see you."

"I'm here. How are you doing?" Robert asked.

"I'm doing okay. Still having know...eating."

"I'll help you. I can even spoon food in your mouth, if you want."

I let a smile creep my lips. "Thanks, but I don't think I need that."

Then, Robert handed me a card.

Here's what it said:

Dear Rachael,

I'm very glad you're back home now. I'm glad you're alright. Without you, I have no idea where I'd be. I'll be here for you always; whatever challenges you face, we'll face together. I love you so much. 

Your boyfriend,


"Awe, thank you, Robert. What a nice surprise." I said with glee.

"You're very welcome. Grilled cheese or pizza?"

"Half of a grilled cheese, please."

"Guess it's a date, then," Robert winked. 

"Yes, it's a date."

We walked to Milano's Pizzeria and had a cheese pizza. I still tear off little pieces of the food that I'm eating. I'm slowly getting better. I will fight this disease, whatever it takes, and I will win.

Skinny (Love & Hope Series #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora