Chapter 10-"Nothing's Going to Change My Love For You"

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"The couples that are meant to be 

are the ones who go through

everything that's designed

to tear them apart and

come out


*Cute quote I found online that describes Rachael's and Robert's relationship. They've been through a lot together and I feel like this quote really relates to them because Robert's been there for Rachael, as well as her father and her brother. Now, on to the story.

Great, school in three months, Rachael thought. Summer, yay.

"Hey." Robert said. "Summer's here, babe."

"I know," I said, quietly, thinking of what to say next. "I'm scared for the summer, though."


"It's just...I don't know...I'm afraid I might, you know..."

"No, I don't know."

"Loose weight again."

"Did you talk to your therapist and your dad?"

"Yes, and they said they're willing to help me, but I'm still scared. I'm still recovering. I missed three months of school. Of high school; which is supposed to be 'the best years of your life'. It wasn't to me. And now you're going away to Pax University. I just don't know what to do. I'm lost without you."

"Everything will be okay. Trust me." He took my hand, taking it in his. "We still have the summer and I'll try to visit James Madison."

Just then, Principal Williams came. He said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, Ms. Daniels, but may I speak to you for a moment?"

"Yes, Sir." The entire time Principal Williams talked to me, I thought, Feel good about yourself, Rachael? Now, you have to repeat the twelfth grade.

"Ms. saddens me to say this, but your father's very sick. He's in the hospital now."

"I'm sorry, what, Sir? My dad's in the hospital? With what?"

"I don't know. It's confidential."

Oh no, I thought. What if it's the same disease that took Mom?  I finally said after a few minutes pause, "May I see him?"

"Of course, and I'm very sorry for your loss."

Robert texted me.

R: Hey, everything okay?

Y: No. Dad's in the hospital. Steven...Idk about him...I'm worried.

R: I'm sorry. Do u need a ride?

Y: Yes, please.

R: B right there.

A few minutes later, Robert came. "Let's go." Robert said, taking my hand. "It'll be okay, I promise."

We got to the hospital, looking for my father. I went to the reception desk. "I'm looking for Mr. Daniels. Do you know where he is? I'm his daughter."

"Rachael Daniels, correct?" the nurse asked me.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Nurse Venn, Ms. Daniels is here to visit Steven Jason Daniels."

"My father's name is Jack. My brother's name is Steven." I explained.

"I'm sorry, Nurse Venn, I meant to say Jack Daniels, not Steven." She turned towards me in her chair. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay."

"Ms. Daniels?" A young nurse asked, who I assume is Nurse Venn. "Your father's in room 17 B. I'll take you to him now."

As I walked down the for what seemed forever aisle to Dad's room, I thought my worst thoughts: 

Is he going to die?

Will he be alright?

Is it because of Mom dying?

Is it depression or something worse?

"Here we are." The nurse approached the room. "Mr. Daniels, your daughter is here to see you."

"H--" My Dad said, unable to speak.

I looked around for a doctor. "Nurse, where is a doctor?"

"I'll get Doctor McPherson. Doctor McPherson, please come to room 17 B." 

"Good to see you again, Miss Daniels." Doctor McPherson said. 

"Good to see you as well. Where's Doctor Anderson?"

"She retired a few weeks ago."

"Oh. I'm glad she has done a magnificent job here at Saint Peter's Hospital."

"She did."

"How's my father? What happened?" I blurted out, not thinking.

"Your father tried to kill himself. He tried to cut his wrists."

"Oh my goodness. What's his diagnosis, may I ask?"

"MDD--Moderate Depressive Disorder."

I ran to his side. I cried, praying that he'd be alright.  "Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright."

No answer. Visiting hours are nearly over and he hasn't said a thing. I kept on praying by his bedside. I know that he will be okay. God will make him okay. I can't lose someone else. Not by different diseases. 

A/N-What did you think of the twist? Do you think that Rachael's dad will come though? Will she go back to her old ways?

Note-Pax means "peace" in Latin. 

*Also, there's a Book Thief reference in here. I love the movie and I also love discovering songs, photos, and quotes for the chapters. To end this chapter, a quote from C.S. Lewis:

"Courage, dear heart."

This quote really relates to Rachael, don't you think?

On another note, how many chapters do you want this book to have? Comment below.

Also, I now have 251 reads and 125 votes. Please vote if you like this chapter and book. Also, please ask questions. As almost every author on Wattpad have said, "Don't be a silent reader." Feel free to message me. 

I will continue to write during the summer (which started at the end of the school day on Monday.) So happy! 

See you next week! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. I'll do the same for your books as well. Happy reading and have a good day/night, everyone!

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