Chapter 11-Worry

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Quotes of the chapter:

It takes courage 

to choose hope

over fear.

-Mark Zuckerburg

Worry less, love more


Songs for this chapter:

What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flats.

Why by Rascal Flats.

I Will Not Forget You by Sarah McLachlan.

Be Not Afraid by John Michael Tabbot.


Dear Dad,

I'm worried about you. I love you so very much. I don't want to loose you. I can't loose you. I love you. 

Why did you do this? Why would you even think of doing self harming? I know, probably melancholy about Mom, I am too, still, like Robert said, we'll be okay. Even though I'm mad at you for nearly ending your life, I'm still happy you're still alive. I hope everything goes well for you. 

Your daughter, Rachael

I wrote a little note to Dad, hoping he'll get better soon. I'm constantly worried about him. I'm thinking that he should be in the hospital, but whenever I look at him, I feel like crying. I immediately texted Robert.

Y: I need help. Sick w worry about Dad.

R: How?

Y: I feel displaced. I wish u were here. I need ur help. Can't do this alone.

R: In the middle of studying for a French exam. 

Y: Ik, but I'm begging you, please come. I'm having those thoughts again.

R: I'll ask. Hold on.

A few minutes went by. Then,

R: I'll b right there.

Y: Thank u. I can't go through this alone. No one should go through this alone.

R: Agreed. Going over to c u @ ur house.

Y: C u.

R: C u.

"Hi." Robert said. 

"Hi," I said, tearing up.

"What's wrong?"

"Dad...he...he tried to--"

"To what? I'm right here, honey."

Instead of telling him, I collapsed to the floor, weak from worry.

"Come to the hospital, now." Robert said to Steven. "Call 911."

I again, heard voices, but couldn't figure out who they were. I tried my hardest, but couldn't. I just sat still.

"My girlfriend, Rachael Daniels, fainted again." Robert told the front desk.

Little did he know that this would be a long and continuous battle for my life and that this battle would change our lives forever.

A/N-End of chapter 15. This is the longest book I've ever written. Thank you so much for your continuous support! You've got me up to 313 reads and 154 votes. Please vote. It would mean a lot to me. 

What do you want to happen next? Please comment your thoughts of the story so far. Thank you! Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night, everyone! Don't forget to vote!

Skinny (Love & Hope Series #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang