Ch 31. 5 - First Endings

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Jungkook knocked on the door, but there wasn't an answer.

"She may be asleep, Prince Jungkook." Suho said.

"It's better that way, I think." he replied. "Can I see her?"

Suho's lip twitched. "That's probably not the best idea."

"I know, but..." He stopped, dropping his head. "Do me this one favor, Suho."

Jungkook's eyes pleaded. Suho sighed.

"I'll have to stand inside with you." Suho said. 

Jungkook nodded. 

Suho opened the door, and they both stepped inside. Sunset was streaming in through the edges of the curtains, giving off a faint orange glow in the room. Jungkook's eyes fell on Y/N, fast asleep in her bed, with Jimin laying next to her. He hadn't left her side since she was shot. Not once. 

Jungkook laid the flowers in his hands on the side table, and leaned over to look at Y/N's face. Her color was there - bright and warm, as it always had been. In fairy tales, this was the moment where the prince would lean down and kiss the princess to wake her. They'd fall madly in love and marry. 

Only, this wasn't a fairy tale. 

He was a prince... but there was already a king.

And the king cared for her.

Jungkook grinded his teeth together.

"I've watched over you since the beginning," he whispered to her. "I told myself I would be your friend, and invite you into our family. Then I told myself I would care for you because he didn't. And then I said I would let you go when he watched over you. I said I would let go if you loved him."

He swallowed.

"I guess I have to keep my word," he continued. "I really wish I didn't, but I will."

He leaned down, leaving a kiss against her forehead.

"I"ll let you go," he whispered close to her ear. "It kills me, but I'll let you go."

He turned before he lost his nerve, leaving the room. Suho shut the door behind them as they left.

As the door shut, Jimin's hand tightened around Y/N's fingers.


Hanna was wandering. So was her mind.

It was hard to sleep. She wasn't sure why. Maybe it was the assassination attempt? The emails that her father supposively sent? The things Jin said to her that day?

Whatever it was, it was ruining her sleep.

Maybe a prayer would help. It couldn't hurt anything at this point.

She opened the chapel doors, letting the light from the candelabras soothe her. She didn't like church when there were people. She liked it when it was empty. Just the grand walls, the humble candles, and the feeling of serenity.

She walked down the isle, eyes focused in front of her. She jumped back when she realized there was someone else in the pew, sitting with his elbows on his knees.

She sighed through her nose. How many times was she going to run into him?

But the air around him was heavy. He hadn't even noticed her. He just stared off into the distance, lifeless.

"Jungkook?" she asked softly. "You okay?"

He looked up at her. Even in nothing but candlelight, she could see his bloodshot eyes.

She stepped towards him. "What happened?"

He swallowed. "Please, Hanna. I can't handle it today. I can't handle you saying 'I told you so' or yelling at me for my stupidity. I can't today. So, please..."

She stood in front of him, watching his blank stare. 

"I could say it, you know," she said, clenching her fists. "I could tell you that I was right and that you should have listened to me. I could say that I said you'd get hurt. I could say that there wasn't a way for this to end well. I could -- "

She paused when she saw the tears silently fall from his eyes, dragging down his cheeks.

"I could..." she continued, "But I won't."

She sat next to him. She wanted to reach over and wipe his tears, but she didn't. It wasn't her place. He had the right to grieve. It hurt to lose someone.

Even if it meant that he loved someone else.

Hanna watched the candelabras as the flames waved in front of them. Small lights cutting through the dark chapel were the only thing keeping her together.  

Then, suddenly, Jungkook slid down against the pew. He leaned over, putting his head in her lap. She put her hands up in surprise, but said nothing. 

His body curled like a cold child. Then he shuttered a little. After a moment, soft gasps of air came form his lips. 

Her hands lowered, unsure of what to do next. One hand came to rest on his shoulder, another on his head. She stroked his hair, letting him cry in her lap, quietly crying with him.


A/N: Wow, I hit myself in the feels with this one. Sorry for all the emotions, guys.

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