Ch 34 - Jimin POV - Tired

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I was exhausted. 

I rested my head against the back of the couch, trying to clear my thoughts so I could rest. I couldn't remember the last time I slept well. Is this what it was like to be king? Was this even worth it?

Someone had shot my wife.

Someone was trying to tear apart my marriage.

Pastor Lee was in prison. 

Everyone was trying to find the mole in my castle.

And I... was exhausted.

"All this drama and you still find the time to take a nap?"

I cracked my eyes open to turn towards Sehun's voice.

"What do you want?" I asked. "I don't have the energy for you."

"I heard about the Priest Lee." he returned. "You don't seem too affected by it."

"Go to hell."

He chuckled. "It's a shame a man of God would be blamed for this sort of thing." There was a pause. "Also, it's too bad that I don't think he actually did it."

I raised my head, looking at him. He turned his head back to me, raising an eyebrow.

I stood and took a step forward, grabbing him by the collar. "If you know anything about who shot Y/N..."

My knees gave out. Sehun's hands grabbed my arms, pulling me back up. "God, Jimin, if you're going to fight me, at least be in the right condition for it. Sit down."

He threw me back down on the couch. He went to the bar on the side of the room, pouring a glass of liquor. He held it towards me.

"Drink it," he said.

I shoved his hand away. "Trying to poison me?"

He laughed. "You idiot. I've lived with you for over twenty years. If I wanted you dead, I would have done it in your sleep and been done with it already. I prefer the direct approach to things, you know." He shoved the glass at me again. "Drink it and get some sleep. I didn't think it was possible, but you're even more useless to everyone like this."

When he refused to move his hand out of my face, I took the glass. But I didn't drink.

"What's your next move?" he asked.

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because you need my help."

"I don't need anything from you."

"Yeah, you've been doing fine on your own." he scoffed. "You've been threatened, the castle was attacked during your crowning ceremony, and your wife's been shot. The kingdom is close to rioting, but you're doing fine?"

I met his eyes. "What's your point?"

"You're not cut out for this, Jimin. We both know this."

I swallowed the drink and stood, looking him in the eye. I huffed. "You won't take anything from me."

I shoved the glass at him and walked out.


The pastor wasn't far from the castle, so I ordered Suho to take me to him. I didn't want to bring Y/N with me. I wanted her by my side, but it was more important that she healed.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now