Chapter 1: Visit Suspicion

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 Lord Winston was visiting one of his friends, Prince Branton in Janastion. Prince Branton was married to Princess Daisy, her little sister was Princess Madison.

Lord Winston's coach arrived at the palace just in time for the nightly feast. Winston stepped out and was greeted by Prince Branton and Princess Daisy, along with Princess Madison and King Hales.

"Winston, you've been gone too long! You must visit more often!" Prince Branton said, his blue eyes, and perfectly combed blond hair, blinding Lord Winston a bit.

"Yes, I have not seen you for a long time indeed." Winston replied.

Prince Branton looked into the coach. "You aren't married, are you? Betrothed possibly?"

Sheepishly, Winston answered. "No, haven't found any young maidens to marry yet, I'm afraid." Princess Madison, standing beside her father, started blushing. Then she glanced at Winston, and started to glare.

Before Lord Winston could ask Madison why she seemed embarrassed, Prince Branton led him away into the guest bedchamber in the castle. There was a soft, tall bed in the middle of the room, a larger than life bathroom, and a dressing table, with a tall armour attached to it.

After Lord Winston had changed in a dining suit, he was escorted to the dining hall of the castle.
He was greeted by curtsies, and bows. He took a seat next to Prince Branton.

"How are you liking the place, Lord Winston?" King Hales asked from the head of the table.

"Oh, it's quite the beautiful place, your majesty," Winston said, looking around the dining hall. He saw Princess Madison glaring at him again. Was something wrong? Or did the princess simply not like Winston?

The feast then began. Mashed potatoes and steamed carrots were served. Platters of turkey and quail eggs were also eaten. And, to add to it, a nice cup of white grape juice was served.

The dinner was quite awkward for Lord Winston. For one thing, Princess Madison didn't stop staring at him, and, as much as he hates to admit it, Lord Winston was very shy, and not good at small talk. Even though he was a lord, and he gave speeches to his people more often than not.

After dinner, Lord Winston was looking into his bedchamber mirror, trying to figure out why Princess Madison didn't seem to like him.

Winston's slicked back black hair wasn't messy, and his green eyes were bright, and happy. He opened his mouth. Nothing was in his teeth. Winston checked his clothes. Not a piece of lint or food was to be seen.

"Well," Lord Winston thought. "It isn't my appearance that seems to be bothering her. I'm perfectly fine," he told himself.

Winston climbed in the tall bed. He laid his head on the puffed up pillow, and sighed. He didn't like it when people didn't seem to like him, especially when they made is so obvious. Lord Winston found himself drifting off to sleep.

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