Chapter 3: Help

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The next morning's breakfast, Lord Winston was well rested. But, when he looked at the princesses, he could tell they had had a rough night sleeping. But, Prince Branton and King Hales seemed very well rested too.

Princess Madison glanced toward Lord Winston, and he smiled at her. She looked him over, once or twice, then looked him in the eye. It seemed to Winston that she was staring into his soul. But, she then gave him a small, tired smile, then looked down at her plate.

"He doesn't get affected by the sleeping spell!" Princess Madison thought. "He could save me and Daisy. But, in order to tell him, we'd have to visit........" She almost didn't want to say the word. "We couldn't visit....... Unless we...... fell in love."

The place Princess Madison was thinking of was Wonderland. Wonderland was a magical place that two people who had fallen in love, could visit. One of the two people had to be in trouble. The other had to be willing to rescue the other. Princesses Madison and Daisy had been researching Wonderland in their mother's spellbooks, and journals. The curse that was put over them, not to be able to tell a single person about King Vermeer, would not affect them in the Wonderland domain. Daisy and Madison would be able to tell whoever visited Wonderland with them about the two's entrapment.

The princesses had tried to get Branton to visit Wonderland with Daisy, but he was under the sleeping spell. King Vermeer had his mind locked up, no magic could get in. Especially the most magical land, Wonderland.

After breakfast, Lord Winston decided he would try and find Princess Madison and talk to her. See if he could get some clues out of her to see why she didn't like him.

Princess Madison was sitting in her bedchamber, reading in one of her mother's spell books about Wonderland, when a knock came at her door. She froze, then snapped her fingers over the book, and it disappeared. She had used one of her disappearing spells.

"Who is it?" She called.

"Lord Winston, my lady." He answered back.

Princess Madison now became very nervous. Winston? She decided maybe, just maybe, to tell him about Wonderland.

"Er- come in." Madison stood up, and leaned against the chair she was just sitting in.

Lord Winston walked in, and bowed. "Your highness, I must speak with you."

Princess Madison curtsied back. "Yes, well what is it?"

"Alright. Princess, I've noticed you have been sort of...... fidgety around me. Why is that so?" Winston felt himself break into a cold sweat. Why did he feel so awkward around Madison? He was around her age, 17 to be exact. Did he have feelings for her?

"Um, well..... Funny story actually. Uh..... er-" This wasn't going well. Princess Madison felt the feeling she had been for the past two days. The feeling that Wonderland sends you. The love connection between two souls. Madison wondered if Lord Winston felt it too, or if she was just crazy.

Winston looked at her very expectantly. And then, Madison said something that she regretted ever since it popped in her mind, "Winston, I need you to come to Wonderland with me."

There was a confused look on his face. "I'm sorry madam. I don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about."

That's exactly was Princess Madison expected. "I know it will be hard for you to understand, but...... can you keep a secret?" Lord Winston nodded. Madison took a deep breath. "I have magic."

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