Chapter 15: Step One

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Lord Winston found himself standing at the foot of a black cast iron gate. Prince Branton appeared behind him.

"So this is Vermeer's hideout," Branton breathed. It actually was a stunning sight. Sure, it was the palace of an evil king, but the gate frame was beautiful, the shining black lake was a good accent to tall, black palace behind it.

Winston opened the gate, it squeaking loudly. He froze, hoping no one had heard. Seeing no one look out a window, or open the main door, he stepped through, Branton sliding in behind him.

"Not really any hiding places," Branton whispered. They were both leaning against the black gate. Unfortunately, the two men hadn't come up with a plan.

"We'll have to hustle when getting Madison and Daisy out," Winston said, narrowing his eyes, noticing a curtain towards the top of the palace open.

"Branton, you know magic?" Winston asked, suddenly never think of this question before.

"Some," was Branton's answer.

"Do you know how to turn invisible?" Winston asked.

"Yes, and many other things Winston. Some you might not know," the prince winked at him.

"I think I saw someone looking out one of the windows," Winston rushed on. "Let's turn invisible and come up with a plan."

Branton nodded, and turned invisible. Winston did the same.

"So," said Branton. "You talked with Madison. What did she tell you?"

"She said that Vermeer made her and Daisy dance for him, once a day, I believe. Perhaps we can sneak into the palace somehow, find the princesses, and explain our plan," Winston replied.

"But we don't have much of a plan," Branton seemed worried. So was Winston. They had come into this without much thinking, just jumping into action, really. That was a mistake.

"We're taking on an evil king, one of the evilest to be exact," Branton continued. "I've studied Vermeer for quite sometime. After King Hales told me he thought that the late Queen Jonquil had made a deal with him, I thought perhaps Madison and Daisy had something to do with him.

"I learned more and more about Vermeer, and figured out that he was once the evilest king in history, channeling evil magic from other dark magicians. He was supposedly killed one day, but, sigh, I guess he really faked it, leaving to come to this kingdom." Branton concluded.

What he said didn't really make Winston feel any better about this. Surely, Winston would die doing this.

"Alright, this is what we do," Winston said. "We sneak

into the palace somehow, and find Daisy or Madison, possibly both. Then, we tell them that we'll sneak them out by turning invisible.

"Then, Branton, we seal up this kingdom with a spell I found. It creates a wall surrounding the palace.

"In case Vermeer catches us, Madison and I will distract anyone we need to, with these Wonderland packets.

"I'll hurry back in, and we seal the gate first with a magic lock, so they can't break through. Then, we seal up the kingdom, and, afterwards, Vermeer will be out of everyone's lives." Winston finished.

"Sounds good, Winston. Now, let's get in there." Branton grabbed Winston's arm, a led him to the main door.

Winston took a deep breath, looking back towards the gate. Would he survive this at all? This was the King Vermeer after all, he could easily murder Winston with a snap of his fingers. Then a more pressing question popped in his head, would Madison survive this?

Just then, the main door opened. Winston almost shrieked from fright. But, he recognized the person standing in the doorway. Princess Madison!

"I don't care, Salem! I'm getting some fresh air. This castle's very stuffy!" She held the door open, then passed by Winston.

Winston followed Madison, taking her elbow once he

caught up to her. Salem appeared on the other side of Madison. "I shall accompany you, dear," he said, taking Madison's other elbow, but she immediately shook it off.

"Go back and wait in the palace for me, Salem," she said, glaring. "I need some alone time."

Prince Salem went, grumbling under his breath.

"Winston, Branton," Madison said out of the side of her mouth, once Salem left. "Come with me inside, and we can discuss everything with Daisy."

"We have a plan," Winston said. "Don't worry."

"Oh, but I do," Madison thought. She was very worried about the fact that they had come here so suddenly. Had they really thought things through enough?

Madison took a deep breath. "Come on," she said. "Let's go find Daisy. She should be in her bedchamber." Then, she turned to Winston. "Put your hands on my waist, and Branton can hold onto your shoulders. I don't want anyone getting lost or left behind."

Once Winston was holding on to Madison, and Branton holding his shoulder, the three went inside the main door of the Palace Vermeer.

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