Chapter 9: Kidnapped

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Princess Madison and Daisy were walking along the forest trail of Janastion. They were looking for a specific tree that was the only gateway to the King Vermeer's palace between worlds.

"Ready?" Madison asked her sister, once they had arrived at the tree. "It's now or never," Daisy replied. Madison swiped her hand over the knot in the tree, and a huge, shining silver rectangle appeared on the tree. Madison stepped in, followed by Daisy. They were standing at the black cast iron gates. Just beyond that, was Vermeer's palace. The palace was made of black stone, the spires were silver.

Daisy sighed, opening the gate. "I have a really bad feeling about this," she mumbled, stepping into the grounds of the castle. Madison sighed as well, stepping into the grounds. Princes Bates and Salem greeted the princesses at the palace's main black wood door. "My, Madison, you look very beautiful in that amber gown," Prince Salem complemented, then grabbed Madison's hand and kissed it. "Why are you acting strange, Salem?" Madison asked, yanking her hand away from the evil prince. Salem didn't answer, he only lead her into the ballroom.

Now Madison did have a bad feeling about this. Obviously, something was going on. The way Prince Salem had acted at the entrance to the palace, or when he didn't answer Madison's question.......

Her thoughts were interrupted when trumpets sounded, and King Vermeer strode into the ballroom. Every one bowed or curtsied to the king. Madison always hated showing respect to him. What did he ever do to her to make her feel welcomed or happy?

"My lovely court," King Vermeer said, with a casual air. "My princesses, my handsome sons. Welcome to this evening's very special ball," That took the air out of Madison's lungs. She looked over at Prince Salem. He seemed to be smiling with delight.

"I would like to make an announcement!" King Vermeer shouted, raising his arms in the air. The hair on Princess Madison's neck stood on end. She looked over at Daisy. She seemed pale. She met her gaze. Daisy's eyes seemed to read the same message that Madison was sending..... Danger.

"My dear sons, Bates and Salem. Please join me on the dias." The princes went and stood by their father. King Vermeer snapped his fingers, and courtiers went to all the exits from the ballroom, and stood, with swords drawn from their belts. "No!" Madison said, a little too loud.

"Princess Daisy and Princess Madison should be honored to call my two sons their betrotheds!" Madison stood on the worn black marble floor, feeling as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped over her. She felt faint.

"You can't do this to us! We do your evil deeds above, and dance for you! You think you can just marry us off to your sons? Think again, Vermeer. Think again!" Daisy shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the king.

King Vermeer answered the princess, saying, "Oh, but Daisy, have you forgotten our deal? You do as I wish, here and above. I have every right to marry you to Bates."

"But I'm married!" Daisy sounded weaker this time.

"Look at your finger. See any ring?" The King Vermeer laughed, seeing Daisy's puzzled look, staring at her hand. "I have magic, girl. Remember?"

Madison still stood, mouth open, taking everything in. It was time for Winston to defeat Vermeer with Wonderland. But how would Winston know now was the time? She couldn't sneak above, and go find him. Could she?

"The weddings," the king continued, "Will be held in two days. I hope to see you all there!" Vermeer whispered something to his sons, then left the ballroom through the same door he had entered.

"We are taking you to your new bedchambers," Bates said, walking towards the princesses with his brother.

"NO!" Daisy screamed. "I'm not coming with you! Don't even touch me, Bates!"

"Daisy, there's no point in fighting," Madison mumbled just loud enough for the princes and her sister to hear. "They already have us trapped. Sigh, there's just no point." Madison took Salem's arm, and was led to her new bedchamber. Little did anyone know, that Princess Madison had a plan, one that was risky and dangerous, but good.

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