Chapter 12: Trapped

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 "I can't believe we're actually here...... forever!" Daisy shrieked the following morning. "Daisy, shh! Do you want everyone in this stupid palace to hear us?" Madison said, leading her sister into her ornate bedchamber. The rooms were very bleak. All of the colors were black, navy blue, and purple with hints of silver.

In Madison's bedchamber was a tall, black bed with purple drapes covering windows. The princesses didn't understand why this place had windows. There's not much of a view unless you like looking at a black gate, and a silver, rectangular shape (the gateway) floating just beyond the gate.

Daisy and Madison had had their clothes taken away, and they were now dressed in purple gowns, and covering their shoulders, was a thin silver silk shawl.

"I am just worried, Madison! How are you so care-free about this situation? You were just kidnapped last night!" Daisy threw her hands up in the air. Madison closed the door to the bedchamber, replying, "Daisy, I have a plan. It's a little risky but, I think it'll work." Princess Daisy sat on the edge of Madison's bed, one eyebrow arched, her ears, listening intently.

"Alright," Madison took a deep breath. She knew, just absolutely knew, that her sister wasn't going to like her plan.

"I think," Madison continued. "That if I travel to Wonderland, I can speak with Queen Alicia, asking her if I can send my entire soul to Wonderland. Then, I can possess something in the real world, find Winston and Branton, and I can show them the gateway, I get my body back, and poof! We're out of here!" Madison crossed her arms, and smiled.

"Why don't we just use your magic globe to talk to Queen Alicia?" Princess Daisy replied, lowering her eyebrow.

"Yes, but-" said Madison, until she was cut of by Daisy.

Daisy gasped. "We can use the tracking spell to watch Winston and see what he's doing!"

"But Daisy-" Madison was about to admit that she had forgotten the magic globe on her dressing table. In her castle, in the sun lit world.

"Oh, I can see how Branton is doing! He must be beside himself with worry-" Daisy kept mumbling.

"Daisy, I forgot the globe!" Madison shouted all too loudly.

Daisy turned to face Madison. Right then, Madison regretted yelling out what she had said. What if the King Vermeer had heard?

"You-you-you.....Forgot the globe? You're supposed to bring it everywhere you go, Madison! Why- why in heaven's name would you forget the globe!?!"Daisy sputtered.

"I just-" Madison remembered something. "I taught Winston how to use a globe! He knows how to work it! We just need......" Madison stopped, a little scared. "We need King Vermeer's globe in order to reach Winston and Branton."

Just then, King Vermeer walked into the room, dressed in his same black silk robe he always wears. "My girls," he said casually. "I realized that you might be needing magic globes to speak with your family." Vermeer smiled a wicked smile. "But, you can't tell them where you are. All they are going to see is that you are in Wonderland, and you still can't tell them about your deal with me." The King Vermeer laughed at the princesses' startled expressions. "Here you are," he continued, placing two black globes on the dressing table.

King Vermeer left the room, and Madison and Daisy looked at each other, very startled.

"Well," Daisy said, in a deep, fearful voice. "I guess he knows about Wonderland, and possibly heard our conversation." She took a deep breath.

Madison walked over to the dressing table, and picked up one of the globes. "Show me Lord Winston," she whispered to it. The picture started to fuzz, then showed her Winston, talking with Queen Alicia.

Madison smiled to herself. She and Daisy were finally getting help, and they would be free forever in less than one day.

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