Chapter 8: Preparation

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Princess Madison sat next to Lord Winston, teaching him simple spells as best she could.

"Now, this is an 'invisibility' spell. You have to snap your fingers together, legs next to each other, no gaps, and you think the words, turn me invisible!" Madison disappeared, and so did Winston. "Finally," she thought. "He figured it out." Winston had been messing up this spell for the past ten minutes. He either didn't snap his fingers, or didn't think to turn himself invisible.

"Good job, Winston. Now, to turn yourself visible, snap your fingers, and think, turn me invisible! Ready?"

Madison hoped this worked. Winston became visible before her. "Good job!" Madison hugged Winston, and continued by saying, "Now you're ready to-" she got cut off by the King Vermeer's spell.

"It's alright, I know what you mean." Winston put a hand on her arm. "Should I practice some more spells?"

"You sure can. Do any spell you can think of, and show me!" Princess Madison stood and watched as Winston performed spells perfectly.

"Finally, after all these years," Madison thought. "It's happening. Vermeer will be gone so soon, that I won't even miss him."


After practicing spells for three hours, it was time for dinner. Princess Madison went back to her bedchamber, and her maid helped her change into an amber dining gown with yellow bows and a yellow sash.

When Madison arrived in the dining hall, she found Lord Winston sitting in a chair close to the head of the table. He was dressed in a pine green suit, with golden swirls on the cuffs, and collar. It seemed like he was twiddling his thumbs.

A feast of ham, peas, wheat rolls, oranges, and apple juice was served.

After dinner, Lord Winston went to his bedchamber. He looked in the mirror sitting on the dressing table. "Will I ever be able to tell Princess Madison that I really am in love with her?" He sighed.

Lord Winston changed into his bedclothes, and hopped into bed. He was hoping that he and Princess Madison would travel to Wonderland that evening. It was so wonderful the last time they went. Even though it was confusing, he had had a great time.

Winston was eager to get to sleep, so he blew out the candle sitting on the bed side table, and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, in Princess Madison's room, she and her sister were getting ready to dance for King Vermeer. Prince Branton and King Hales we already asleep, thanks to King Vermeer's spell.

"I just feel that something's amiss with the king," Princess Daisy said, brushing at the wrinkles in her peach colored dress. "I mean, he seemed to see through the lie I told him last night. I'm worried something terrible will happen!" She grabbed a brush, and starting brushing her curly black hair. The princess' blue eyes darted to Madison's. "What if he keeps us there, with his foolish sons!?!"

"Daisy, calm down," Madison wrapped her sister in a hug. "He just has us- I guess- trapped for just a little bit longer." She let go of Daisy. "Then, Branton and Winston will save us, alright?" Daisy nodded her head.

"Now, let's get finished dressing, then we'll go to the forest through the gateway, alright? It's not that scary. We do this all the time, Daisy. Don't worry. I'll be here for you." Madison smiled. "Thanks, Madison." Daisy gave her sister a hug, then went back to brushing her hair.

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