Chapter 10: Panic in the Castle

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Lord Winston woke up to Prince Branton shouting, "They're gone! Help, help! They're gone!" Winston sat up in bed, and ran to the stool that held his burgundy robe. He pulled the robe on, and headed out the door.

"Branton! Branton!" Winston shouted. He turned the corner, and saw Prince Branton sitting on a little table in the hallway. "Branton," Winston said, putting a hand on the prince's shoulder. "Who's gone?" Branton looked up at Winston, a terrified look on his face. "The princesses." Winston looked down at his feet. Madison was gone? Then, he remembered. The King Vermeer. Had Vermeer kidnapped the princesses?

"I went to bed last night with Daisy," Prince Branton continued, "And, when I woke up this morning," the prince paused, as though feeling new worry. "She was gone. Do you know where they might be?" Branton looked at Winston very expectantly.

"Uh-well, Branton. I have something to tell you-" Winston was cut off when King Hales found them in the hallway. "Branton," he said, out of breath. "Who's gone?"

"Madison and Daisy," Branton answered. "But, Winston thinks he might know where they are." The prince turned to face Winston. "You were saying?"

Now Winston felt embarrassed. What if they didn't believe him? Everyone thought that the King Vermeer was dead.

"King Vermeer has taken the princesses," Winston blurted. "I think," he added.

King Hales looked Winston straight in the eye. "I knew Jonquil had made a deal with him. Now my daughters," he murmured. "If only you, Branton, had traveled to Wonderland with Daisy."

"Yes," Branton mumbled. "If only....."

They knew about Wonderland? Winston felt that he should tell them that Madison had traveled to Wonderland with him. But that would mean........ He and Madison were...... in love.

"Actually, your majesties," Winston barely said, his face turning shades of red. "I traveled to Wonderland with Madison. Princess Daisy performed the spell, so we can visit whenever, I guess."

The hallway turned very quiet. Prince Branton and King Hales both had hard stares on Winston. Winston sighed. This was so awkward.

"Boy, go to Wonderland. Now, fast! It doesn't matter if she's there or not. Just find any dancer there, and ask them for Queen Alicia." King Hales broke the silence.

"Please, Winston," Prince Branton said, begging. "As a friend. It's their only chance,"

"I'll do it." Winston said. "I just need to go to my bedchamber," He started heading down the hallway, when Winston felt a hand on his shoulder, and then stopped, turning around. Before him stood King Hales.

"I just wanted you to know," he said. "It's alright that you're in love with Madison. You will be a fine match for her, Lord Winston." Then the king turned, and walked down the hall in the opposite direction Winston was heading. Winston smiled. Madison's family were fine with their love. That was enough for him.

Winston found his bedchamber door, and leaped into his tall bed. Winston tried his hardest to fall asleep, and then, he opened his eyes, and was in Wonderland.

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