Chapter 2:Encounter

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I didn't stop till I reached the witch's castle. It's this dilapidated stone building smack in the middle of the woods. It's covered in ivy and all these adorable algae.

It's also supposed to be cursed. Not that it bothered me. The only thing which makes me nervous are the living. Lucky for me, they don't come to this part of the woods.

.......Until now.

I crouched in the bushes when I heard the rustling of leaves. Best case scenario, it was a bear. Worst: Jason.

The canopy parted and a guy dressed in all black fell through, curled in a ball.

He's trying to somersault on impact? Dang, that's gonna look so cool.

Aaaannd.. he's stuck in a hole.

I blinked. The fall must have been crippling if not fatal. I sat frozen, unable to move, unable to help.

Good thing I didn't have to. The guy clawed his way out of the pit and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Before I could get up, he staggered to his feet, looked around and fixed his gaze on the stone wall. A stupid grin appeared on his face.

What's he thinking?

I didn't have to wait long to find out. He set off running towards the wall.


He hit the side of the building and fell to the ground like a concussed starfish.

I seriously don't know what he was expecting.

Sigh. Part of being a good person means I had to help nuts like these.

I carefully approached the fallen idiot. He looked younger than I thought, around sixteen, with platinum blonde hair and a bruise on his forehead roughly the shape and size of Texas.

I couldn't help it. It was kinda funny.

I crouched down next to him and tried shaking him awake.

'Yoo hoo? Mr. Nutter Butter?'

Before I could react, his arm shot out and burning hot fingers clamped around my wrist.

For the second time that hour, I screamed.



So, I uh...missed the portal.

I lay on the grass, my limbs splayed out. I could feel my forehead changing colour but, surprisingly, I felt..okay.

Minus the contusions and decimated ego, yeah, pretty okay.

Must be something about this place. My mind was moving like ketchup falling from a bottle. My body wants to shut down to heal.

I was about to relax when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

This freaked me out for a couple of reasons:

1) You really shouldn't touch a recently fallen angel. We are actually smoking hot at the time. (Open to interpretation *wink*)

2) Even with supernatural healing, I felt like I had been doing the worm up a mountain.

3) Physical contact? Big no-no.

I grabbed the offending arm, hoping to stop the infernal shaking and was rewarded with a scream that sounded like a baby pterodactyl on helium.

This I gotta see.

My eyes fluttered open and through my double vision, I was able to make out a humanoid figure next to me. Male.....I think.

My sight cleared and I saw him(?) more clearly. Dark hair, freckles, kind of meh. His eyes were his redeeming feature.

Irises that changed colour from gray to green to blue with flecks of gold.....same as me.

Heh. He kinda looks like that tiny human I was assigned to.......


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