Chapter 8: Progress

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Daniel was still making kissy noises as we entered his neighbourhood.

"You lurve her.. Even though she's way out of your-"

"Just-" I momentarily snapped before settling on a glare, "Just shut it."

Daniel was, of course, unfazed. "I still don't get it..Sam is... And you are.."

Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.

"You just witnessed the forces of hell and heaven at war and you want to talk about Sam?

He smiled, crinkling his eyes, "Way I see it, I can talk about a mind-boggling reality-altering event... Or the hellhound."

Man, the universe loves shitting all over me.

"What? Is angel-on-angel action forbidden or something?"

"That's it," I grabbed him by the shoulders and brought him close enough to make him sweat, "You are going to drop it or I swear I will drop you into the sewer along with that hell hound."

"Uh.." He pawed at my hands trying to loosen them. "Could you please... This is my lane and that couple over there.." He shot a nervous smile at an elderly pair looking at us over their hedge.

"Don't want to give them a heart attack with your dead body right?"

"Um.. They just gave me the thumbs up. They think we're..," He broke off, shuddering, "..together."

I quickly let go, wiping my hands on my shirt. "That's horrifying."

Daniel seemed to agree. He even shut up for the rest of the walk.

We stopped outside a typical suburban house. Two storeyed, perfect lawn and hanging flower pots on the porch.


"This is me.." Daniel muttered as trudged up the driveway.

I turned the other way.

"Hey, where're you going?" He called after me.

"Back to hell." I shot back.

"Oh. Ok."

I passed the elderly couple from before and they gave me two thumbs up, which I returned.

Hey, I'm a badass not a jerk.


I was still going over what happened in the alley as I reached my crash site.

I don't know why I wanted to come back here... It just felt right.

Anyway, that hell hound was way too close. Followed me through the rift probably.

I groaned. Last thing I needed was a giant Rover of darkness on my tail.

And Ignis. Ignis. Ignis.

Fire hurling bastard.

I squatted, head in my hands, trying to find a way out of this mess.

You suck and you're gonna die.

Yes, thank you subconscious.

And Daniel's gonna die too.

What? Why- why should I care?

Because he's a lot like-

"STOP!" Desperately, I lashed out, swiping at the tree in front of me.

Breathing hard, I pushed the hair out of my eyes, almost missing the sight in front of me.

The tree was slashed open like something had dragged its claws across the bark. The edges were blackened as if burnt.

I stared at my hand.

I have to find Daniel.

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