Chapter 11: Home

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I could tell Daniel was upset on the way back to his home.

Not even one stupid comment.

I couldn't take it anymore. I groaned, "What?"

He looked startled, scared even, "What? Nothing!"

Oh.... Right.

"I freaked you out, didn't I?"

He was suddenly very interested in his shoes, " just reminded me.. What you are."

"Unbelievably hot and awesome?"

He snorted, rolling his eyes, "Not human."

I shrugged, "Minor technicality."

We walked in silence before I had to speak up, "I didn't realize it bothered you."

"Whoa! No!" He put a hand on my shoulder, "I was just thinking that you're immortal and I'm not and-"

"Actually I can die." Why..did I say that?

Daniel's eyes widened even more, "Wh- How?"

"But only if I start behaving like a human." And yet I continue talking.

"Uh..What does.."

"Fall in love," I picked up my pace, not wanting to continue.

"Ah that's fine. What unlucky girl would fall in love with you?" Daniel chuckled, jogging to keep up.

I shrugged, "That's true."

Man, it really was.

We stopped outside his house. "I'll see you tomorrow." I turned to walk to the hill.

"Wait, do you just camp out at night?"

"Well, I don't sleep, so.."

"You could... I mean.. if you wanted you." Daniel began fiddling with his straps.

"You could...stay over if you want."

I had to admit.. I was not expecting that.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it's not a school night. Mom won't mind," He walked to the door, gesturing at me to follow.

Hundreds of years in existence and I get my first sleepover.

I stood behind Daniel as he rung the doorbell.

"Now remember, act natural."

The door opened, revealing a woman in her early forties with the same open expression as her son. "Hey Danny.. Oh!" She glanced at me, "Who's this?"

She held out her hand and I panicked for a moment before kissing it.

I could hear Daniel's internal scream.

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