Chapter 17: Shatter

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December 3, 2007

Daniel's fifth birthday.

Solis was more excited than usual. As soon as Dagas landed, he was dragged to the portal, the angel ranting about how everything had to be perfect.

Dagas didn't mind. He didn't feel the need to mess up Daniel's life anymore. It's like it was wiped out of his nature.

"Ignis's human is gonna be at this party! I can't wait for you to meet him."

Dagas did a double take. "Ignis as in, your demon hating friend, Ignis?"

Solis scratched his forearm, "It'll be fine, right? He'll see how kind you are and then he'll like you right?"

"Whoa, easy," he gripped him by the shoulders, "I'll play nice. I promise."

He calmed down at the gentle tone, sighing, "You know, I'm really glad I was paired with you."

You and me both..

"Solis!" A deep voice rang out, making them turn.

A tall, well built angel was walking towards them, followed by a smaller, pretty girl.

"Jason's gonna love your kid!" He smacked Solis on the back. A little too hard, according to Dagas.

"I'm really glad you guys came. Dagas, this is Ignis and this is Samudhr." He pointed to each in turn, even though he regularly told him stories about his friends.

"Guys, I want you to meet Dagas. He's my partner." He slung an arm around his shoulder.

Wow. He is standing really close to me right now.

Dagas raised a hand in greeting. He didn't want anything to ruin Solis's special day. And Daniel's too, of course.

"You're a demon."

Yes, wow Ignis, you fucking genius how did you figure that?

"I think it's nice you're working together," Sam gave a little smile. Dagas's shoulders loosened.

She's not bad.

Ignis pulled Solis aside and whispered just loud enough for Dagas to hear, "Are you sure you can trust him? He's a demon."

"He's had plenty of chances to kill me, remember?" He added in a whisper, "I trust him with my life. Well, by life-"

Ignis just sighed, patting his back, "Just watch out."

"Ok, why don't we start?" Solis clapped his hands, sitting cross-legged next to his portal.

Dagas sat down next to him, catching his eyes. 'Thank you.'

His smile seemed sweeter then, smaller, like it was only for Dagas.


Without warning, Solis slapped him on the thigh. "I think he's getting his first kiss!" He scooted closer to the portal.

A little girl standing next to Daniel was now inching closer.

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